Rock Legend Dave Davies Has A 'Kinky' Request For Elon Musk

Dave Davies, the iconic lead guitarist of The Kinks, questioned Elon Musk on Wednesday over “warnings” flagged on his tweets.

Davies — a founding member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group — asked the Twitter head to stop his platform from adding “sensitive content” warnings under his posts such as one seen under a tweet highlighting a TikTok about The Kinks’ 60th anniversary this year.

“Dear @elonmusk would @Twitter please stop putting warnings on everything from ‘the Kinks’. We are just trying to promote our Kinks music @TheKinks #thekinks60,” Davies requested.

Davies later added that the group’s name is a “brand name” and it hasn’t changed in six decades.

One Kinks fan responded to Davies and pointed out an instance where their tweet about a version of The Kinks’ “(Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman” received a warning from the social media platform.

The fan added that the platform said it would remove the warning following an appeal. However, it continued to appear under the tweet.

“That’s impossible. The word robot should be banned. We got robots running our lives. At least I’m a Kink and not a fukin robot,” replied Davies before he retweeted a fan who theorized that algorithms were the cause of the warnings.

Other Twitter users joked about the warnings and said The Kinks’ music doesn’t merit the disclaimers.
