Roof torn off UK's 'biggest man cave' as dramatic aerial pictures reveal what's inside

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-Credit: (Image: SWNS)

The UK's "biggest man cave" is finally being dismantled after a ten-year planning dispute, with its roof now stripped away. Graham Wildin, 70, a millionaire, has persistently ignored court orders to demolish his massive 10,000sq/ft leisure complex and has even been incarcerated for his defiance.

The controversy began in 2014 when Wildin constructed the 'man cave', complete with a bowling alley, casino, and cinema behind his house without the necessary permissions. Demolition by the Forest of Dean District Council commenced in June, and recent developments have seen the roof removed, exposing the hollowed interior.

Aerial images reveal the bare structure of the building located behind Wildin's residence in Cinderford, in the Forest of Dean. Gone are the luxurious squash courts, children's play area, and bowling lanes that were visible in an earlier video showcasing the complex.

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A bystander remarked: "It really looks nothing like the plush leisure centre which we once saw there." Wildin's string of legal losses began with a High Court injunction in September 2018, initially mandating the removal of the structure by the end of April 2020.

Ignoring the injunction led to a suspended sentence in June 2021, followed by a failed appeal at the Court of Appeal in November, resulting in an order to tear down the complex by March 10, 2022. Continued non-compliance triggered the activation of a six-week suspended sentence for contempt of court on August 13, 2022.

Upon his release from HMP Cardiff, he was given an 18-week deadline to "soft strip" the interior of the building, rendering it unusable. However, this deadline passed in January 2023 and last year marked his fifth court defeat as his sentence was upheld and he was ordered to pay £9,962 in costs to the district council - despite his claims that he had sold everything for a mere £1.

In September 2023, it was reported that he had been served with an interim injunction to prevent him from harassing neighbours with parking issues and CCTV surveillance. Neighbours of Wildin have accused him of venting his frustrations with the council on them by filling the street's parking spaces with his collection of classic cars.

He lodged an appeal, and in December it was reported that he was issued a final injunction - limiting him to parking only two cars on the road and making provision for two visitors, who can stay for a maximum of eight hours. The judge also ruled that Mr Wildin is not permitted to keep CCTV surveillance cameras on the exterior of any vehicle or on any extendable pole.

However, in March of this year, it was reported that the six-bedroom home near the 'man cave' - believed to be owned by his family, was set to become a holiday let. Temporary permission has been granted for it to be used as such - despite local concerns about noise, cars and "noisy revellers".

Last month, when asked if he had any comments or if he thought the demolition was fair, Wildin did not respond to questions and promptly returned inside the property.

A spokesperson for the Forest of Dean District Council stated: "As a council it is our duty to ensure that planning and development proposals comply with the law and bring benefit to the local area, whilst also safeguarding the community. Hundreds of people every year follow the correct process for planning applications and development, sadly this has not been the case at this location."

"It is important to note that the cost of this process should not be borne by the taxpayer, and we will look to recover the full cost of the demolition from the landowner in due course. We will work closely with our demolition contractor, to limit any disruption for residents."

''We would like to also take this opportunity to thank the people living in close proximity to this property for their patience during this lengthy legal process. "".