Roundabouts on major road to be closed

There will be roadworks on roundabouts in the Littlemoor Road area <i>(Image: Dorset Council/NQ)</i>
There will be roadworks on roundabouts in the Littlemoor Road area (Image: Dorset Council/NQ)

MAIN roads between two Weymouth roundabouts are to be closed for roadworks to be done.

The closures between the A353 Jurassic Roundabout and the Bincombe Bumps Roundabout will be overnight.

The work will begin on Wednesday, July 17 and are expected to be completed by Monday, July 22.

They will be carried out between 8pm and 5am.

All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the Bincombe Bumps Roundabout area, Weymouth i) between A353 Jurassic Roundabout To Bincombe Bumps Roundabout ii) between Bincombe Bumps roundabout and its junction with Turnstone Close iii) Littlemoor Road between its junction with Bincombe Bumps roundabout to its junction with The Finches iv) Icen Lane at its junction with Bincombe Bumps roundabout.

An alternative route will be signed, diverting vehicles down Dorchester Road and along the seafront, through Preston and back up to Littlemoor Road.

Diversion route in blue with the closed roadworks area in red (Image: Dorset Council)

Preservation and lining works will be done to the roads around the roundabouts.

The temporary closure order is needed in order to comply with health and safety regulations, which require the provision of safe working areas and to minimise the likelihood of danger to highway users.

It will enable RMS & WJ Lining safe access to carry out preservation and lining works.

To see more public notices like this search the Dorset Echo Public Notices Portal here

Any person who uses or permits the use of a vehicle in contravention of the Notice will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1000.

For more information about the work being undertaken and access arrangements, call Safe Mark Highways on 07551042586.

For further information concerning this Order please call Dorset Highways Traffic Team on 01305 221020.

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