Row breaks out over boxing club's plan to open its doors two hours earlier

A Colwyn Bay boxing club will be allowed to open from 8am, despite concerns about the impact it will have on locals. Wesley Jones applied to Conwy County Council’s planning department, seeking permission to vary a condition to allow the 50-year-old Dyffryn Amateur Boxing Club to open two hours earlier.

The club, based at the former Girl Guides headquarters on Pendorlan Avenue, was granted permission for a change of use to boxing gym in 2013, including parking at the front of the building. The planning consent allowed the club to open from 10am until 9pm Mondays to Saturdays and between 10am and 4pm on Sundays.

But Mr Jones claimed the not-for-profit club’s operating costs had more than doubled and said opening earlier would allow their clients more freedom to train, helping to boost finances. Whilst planning officers advised the committee to grant permission, Colwyn Bay Town Council was against the plans, citing potential litter problems.

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The applicant said: “The classes we are thinking of running would be limited in size and will have no impact on the neighbouring properties or neighbourhood. We currently open from 10am, and the additional hours will offer a significant boost for us, which will allow us to continue our good work.”

Cllr Anthony Bertola backed the club and proposed councillors supported the earlier opening hours. "Forget it is a fighting club,” he said.

“Boxing and karate and these types of gyms, I've attended over the years, and they give a kid or an adult so much self-respect and (respect) for other people, and their behaviour changes through that. It is not about hitting the person. It is about training. It is about fitness.

"It's about mental attitude. It is about supporting and respecting each human being you meet, male and female, and having the armoury to respect each other.”

He added: “It is a great sport, a great discipline, and (sport is) a great thing for a child to do in any format, rugby, swimming, or anything like that. So I would like to propose we go for it because I think they are doing a grand job.

"They've got a great reputation behind them, and I know it's going to benefit the area, in terms of development for children, not just academically but physically as well so I think it's a great thing, and it takes away from the other areas of life which are not so pleasant.”

Cllr Alan Hunter seconded Cllr Bertola’s proposal. But Cllr Jo Nuttall disagreed, instead siding with residents who had objected to the plans.

She said: "Obviously it's on a cul-de-sac. There is one way in and one way out and a very busy school around the corner, and the club has to fit in to its surroundings. It is not on a commercial estate where it could open 24 hours if it wanted to.

"That's where those people (the residents) live their lives, and I just think it's fundamentally wrong to have anything commercial that opens those hours when these people are trying to get to work, get to school safely, and park outside their houses."

Cllr Stephen Price agreed with Cllr Nuttall. "The speaker mentioned mental health and well-being of his customers. I think it is important that the mental health and well-being of the residents in the area are also taken into consideration,” he said.

Cllr Chris Hughes, who is not on the committee, was scolded by the chairman for interrupting the meeting without invitation. But Cllr Hughes insisted the area was "gridlocked" during the morning school run, arguing an extension in hours could make things worse.

But Cllr Dave Jones disagreed. “It (the club) has provided an amazing service for young children and young adults and some people in their 20s and 30s for a long time now, and I can’t see any problem with this extra two hours myself,” he said.

Cllr David Carr added: “I’m concerned that young people do need a focus and need something to do and somewhere to go, and there is not much of it in the county, so my feelings are it’s a successful club if it’s keeping young people focused in that club and not engaging in other activities, so I’m going to support the proposal.” Nine councillors voted in favour of the 8am opening to three against, and the boxing club was granted permission.

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