Roy Keane offers comically blunt response to King's Birthday Honours list

Photo of Roy Keane
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Roy Keane has emphatically stated that he has "no interest" in the King's birthday honours list, which was revealed on Friday night. While on punditry duty for ITV during Germany's 5-1 victory over Scotland in Euro 2024, the Manchester United icon made his feelings known.

His ITV colleagues and ex-Rangers stars Graeme Souness and Ally McCoist were among those honoured. Souness received an OBE for his contributions to football and charitable efforts, including a charity swim across the English Channel that raised over £1m for Debra UK. McCoist was awarded an OBE for his services to football and broadcasting.

Both McCoist and Souness expressed their happiness on air upon receiving the news, with Ian Wright, who holds an OBE himself, joining in the congratulations.

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When presenter Mark Pougatch asked Keane if he had any ambitions to join the honours list, Keane simply shook his head and waved his hands dismissively, saying "no interest", reports the Irish Mirror.

Keane's reaction sent viewers into a frenzy of laughter, with one fan posting online: "McCoist and Souness celebrating baubles in the King's honours list tonight, but Roy Keane, making it clear what he thinks without saying a word!"

Another viewer praised: "Roy Keane's reaction to McCoist and Souness getting OBE's was class."

A further comment noted: "Roy Keane with the disguised 'f*** that' when asked about the King's honours."

"Absolutely giggling at Roy Keane's reaction to the invitation to be drawn into the King's Honours List chat," read another post.

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