Royal Family at Trooping the Colour: Prince Louis' cheeky remarks and King Charles' heartfelt confession

-Credit: (Image: BBC)

The Princess of Wales made a triumphant return to the public eye after her cancer treatment, joining King Charles and Camilla at the Trooping the Colour ceremony at Buckingham Palace. This marked Kate's first appearance in several months, delighting Royal enthusiasts.

Following an emotional statement yesterday about her ongoing chemotherapy, Kate was seen engaging warmly with King Charles and Camilla despite the inclement weather. Their interactions were captured on camera, allowing The Mirror's lip reader, Nicola Hickling, to decipher their conversations throughout the event.

They delved into some of the private exchanges that might have gone unnoticed by viewers at home.

READ MORE: Prince William gives two-word Princess Kate cancer update as he chats about family

During the day's events, King Charles, who is also receiving cancer treatment, made a heartfelt confession. He left the palace with Queen Camilla in a carriage, having been recommended by doctors to review the Trooping the Colour from the Ascot Landau rather than on horseback as in the previous year.

While absorbing the grandeur of the occasion, Charles confided in Camilla, revealing his emotional state. Lip reader Nicola Hinckley reports that Charles expressed to Camilla: "Oh dear, I don't know why I'm feeling rather tearful", reports the Mirror.

The Princess of Wales, Kate, provided a distinctly regal piece of guidance to her children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, as they beheld the pageantry of the military display from an overlooking building at Horse Guards. The Duchess, aged 42, was understood to have instructed her young ones to remain in place upon their arrival.

The family of four was subsequently noticed observing the event from a window when Kate seemed to issue some directives to the children, as captured by lip reader Nicola. She appeared to tell them, "You stay there, OK? " Subsequently, after leaning towards Charlotte, she reportedly added, "Keep smiling and stay here for one moment."

During today's Trooping the Colour, six-year-old Louis had a frank retort for his elder sister Charlotte, who is nine, when she attempted to direct him. As Kate discreetly communicated with Charlotte while the band played on, which saw Louis excitedly jigging to the quick march 'Highland Laddie' played by the Scots Guards, a certain interaction caught the attention.

Lip reader Nicola identified that Charlotte's effort to regulate Louis's antics provoked a straightforward comeback. Amidst his joyful movements, Charlotte was seen to advise, "You have to stop doing that. Watch the parade", prompting Louis to respond, "I won't".

Following that, Charlotte responded, "Do as you're told", and Louis pointedly said, "Nope."

An entertaining moment ensued during the military spectacle at Horse Guards Parade when Louis got distracted by some blind cords at the window while watching the Trooping with his mother. He looked quite captivated by the beaded cord, fiddling with it during the event.

Nicola recounted a moment when the young Royal inquired of his mother, "Can I play with these beads? " To which Kate reportedly responded, "No. I need you concentrate on the parade."

Louis' excitement was palpable after the military procession, as the royals returned to Buckingham Palace for the balcony appearance during the RAF flypast. It was then that Kate asked Louis, "Did you like that? " and he enthusiastically answered, "That was so much fun."

The guessing game was also part of the day's events, with royals on the balcony trying to identify the aircraft above. Nicola observed Charles discussing with Camilla whether it was a Hawk or a Typhoon in sight, while William, George, and Louis debated their favourite planes, with George noting that Louis favoured "the black one over there".

Additionally, Charles seemed awestruck by the turnout, reportedly remarking, "It's amazing the amount of people who made it."