Royal photographer brands Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding the 'worst' he's attended

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
-Credit: (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Celebrated Royal snapper Arthur Edwards has dished on his experience covering Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 2018 wedding, brandishing the event as "miserable" and taking top spot as the "worst event" he had ever covered.

Known for capturing stunning shots of the royals including the Queen's tour of Australia and New Zealand and Prince Harry's gap-year sojourn to Africa for The Sun newspaper, Arthur's reputation as a Royal authority is rock solid.

The renowned photographer unveiled his thoughts about the Sussexes' big day recently in an exclusive heart-to-heart on The Sun's YouTube channel, expressing just how much he despised being on assignment that day.

"I hated the day. The day was a miserable day," confessed the veteran lensman who pulled no punches when describing it as "the worst royal wedding I ever did."

According to him, Prince Harry sought to keep the press away from their big day "as much as possible", a feat that required photographers to use long lenses to capture images, the Mirror reports.

Adding insult to injury, when the newly married Duke and Duchess came by in their carriage, they allegedly turned away from him, ruining his chances of a perfect shot and leaving him to declare the whole affair as a "disaster". The notable photographer went on to hint at the frosty treatment he and his peers were subjected to at the event, adding: "In many ways, they were badly treated."

Opinions flooded in response to the video shared by The Sun on X, formerly known as Twitter. One observer commented: "Edwards tried to be as gracious as possible about the couple right after Megxit. At this point, he has clearly just had enough. Saw him on a panel discussion about RF weddings awhile back, and he said basically what he says here. HandM antics started long before the world knew it."

Another added: "The guests all looked miserable at Harry and Meghan's wedding, it was truly boring."

And another wrote: "This miserable man. He really thinks Harry and he were friends."

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