Ruby Wax sought Joanna Lumley's advice for Cast Away but didn't take it

The comedian took Lumley's book Girl Friday to a desert island and used it to kill bugs.

Ruby Wax spent 10 days surviving alone on a desert island in Madagascar for Channel 5 show Cast Away
Ruby Wax asked Joanna Lumley advice for surviving on a desert island on new show Cast Away. (C5)

Ruby Wax has revealed she took Joanna Lumley's book for tips on being cast away on a desert island - but only used it to kill bugs.

The comedian spent 10 days surviving alone in Madagascar for Channel 5 show Ruby Wax: Cast Away and sought advice first from her Absolutely Fabulous co-star, who lived on a desert island for BBC show Girl Friday in 1994.

Wax told The Times: "The most useful thing I had from Lum was a copy of her book - I didn’t read it, I used it for killing bugs. Every time I slammed it down it was like a blood bath.”

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The writer and TV presenter - who has been very open about her battle with depression - admitted that she had been dreading approaching her 70th birthday, but her experience on the desert island had helped her accept it.

Joanna Lumley actress and Ruby Wax comedian celebrate the launch of a new Cellnet lifetime system
Ruby Wax consulted old friend Joanna Lumley for advice on living on a desert island. (Alamy)

She said: “The thought of my birthday makes me sick to my stomach,” she says. “But you soon learn that nature doesn’t care about you. It will birth you and give you certain resources, but nature doesn’t care if you live or die. That is humbling. Stop worrying or giving your opinion on this or that. Who cares? In a strange way it made me feel better.”

Many viewers were inspired by Wax's attitude as she worked to survive alone on the island for 10 days - building shelter, killing and cooking crabs, harvesting mangoes and battling a cyclone.

Ruby Wax spent 10 days surviving alone on a desert island in Madagascar for Channel 5 show Cast Away
Ruby Wax said doing the show helped her to accept growing old. (C5)

One tweeted: "Castaway with Ruby, what a champion to never giving up and showing strength not resilience. Helping others as she helps herself @rubywax @channel5tv."


Another said: "Loving this already. Her very close call with the machete while chopping open a coconut, falling down a crab hole, the runs, unable to light a fire, the tropical storms, rain, wind and more rain makes for good TV but boy is she brave to stick it out. Well done Ruby."

Ruby Wax spent 10 days surviving alone on a desert island in Madagascar for Channel 5 show Cast Away
Ruby Wax had to catch crabs and forage for mangoes to survive. (C5)

Another viewer shared: "Really admire @Rubywax doing #castaway she is one determined woman there’s no way I could of done what you have done. I have the most respect for you! Can’t wait for next week to see your next adventure!"

And another posted: "I love @Rubywax. She 'gets' depression, and how she desribes hers is exactly how I would describe mine. She tells it how it is. Doesn't want pity, or to be infantilised. Just respect and equality in friendship. #Castaway is good."

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Ruby Wax: Cast Away continues on Channel 5 on Sunday 30 April at 9pm.

Watch: Ruby Wax discussed surviving lockdown with depression