Rules Hull sex shop has to follow including no-one seeing inside as licence renewal approved

Inside Hull city centre sex shop Simply Pleasure
Inside Hull city centre sex shop Simply Pleasure -Credit:HullLive/Donna Clifford

A Hull sex shop can continue trading but is subject to a number of conditions and rules under its licence which was approved for renewal today (Monday, May 13).

The application to renew the licence for Simply Pleasure, in Ferensway, faced no objections from the public or authorities according to a report to Hull City Council's Licensing Committee. The conditions of the store's sex establishment licence state that its interior cannot be visible to anyone passing by, among other conditions.

Establishments such as sex shops and sexual entertainment venues such as strip clubs are required to renew their licences every year. Under national rules, any materials and literature sold by shops cannot be visible through its windows.


Licence holders are required to run their establishments solely as sex shops or cinemas. No one aged under 18 is allowed inside a licensed store at any time.

The licence holder is required to make sure that their activities do not cause any noise nuisance or annoyance to neighbours and other businesses in the area. Rules for sex shops allow them to open from from 10am to 9pm Monday to Saturday, from 11am to 5pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

That is except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday when it must close. It can open from 10am to 4pm on the two Sundays ahead of Christmas, under licensing rules.

The Ferensway store is one of 17 Simply Pleasure shops which operate across the UK. The chain started more than 40 years ago with a store in Leicester and owners the Hemming family imported the first vibrator into the UK.

Simply Pleasure stores sell a range of products including sex toys, clothes and other items. Hull Live previously visited the store and spoke to Tuesday Schumacher-Jones, who worked there at the time.

She said that selling sex toys could be a complex task requiring empathy, knowledge of the products and an approachable manner. The worker said: "This company has always been keen on promoting body positivity. It can be very empowering.

"We ensure people go away with the knowledge of safety and aftercare. Sex shops are now much more in the mainstream with programmes on Netflix and the likes of 50 Shades Of Gray which has made the likes of bondage socially acceptable.

"There are a lot of preconceptions around sex which puts a lot of pressure on people but we are here to help educate our customers. Some customers come in and just have a great time.

"But others come in all tense and awkward. But it is great when you see their shoulders drop after a while and they begin to relax."