Rules and law about leaving children at home alone as summer holidays near

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The school holidays are approaching fast, and parents are being offered guidance as to the rules around leaving their children home alone.

During breaks from school parents are often faced with the challenge of deciding whether to leave their children home alone. And while there is no legal age specified for when kids can be left unsupervised it is against the law to leave a child alone if it places them at risk.

As the summer holidays approach we take a look back on some guidance published by the NSPCC to help parents make informed decisions during the summer break.

Helen Westerman, the NSPCC's head of local campaigns, said a "a child who doesn't feel comfortable shouldn't be left alone. She said this is why making a universal legal age is impractical, as some children, albeit the same age, have different levels of maturity.


Parents must also consider if it's safe for their children to play outside without supervision. Westerman added: "Lots of parents will be thinking about whether it's safe to leave their children at home safely, and if they're old enough to leave the house unsupervised. This can be a really tricky decision for parents and carers to make as it will differ from child to child."

"As well as navigating if a child is ready to be left alone, lots of parents will also find managing work alongside the school break really challenging, particularly in light of the soaring child costs and the cost of living crisis, which is putting additional pressure on families."

In 2022 Westerman previously said the NSPCC had received more than 21,000 calls in the last four years about unsupervised children, with almost half occurring during the summer holidays.

She added: "As children get older, it's common for them to want more freedom and learn to be independent."

"This is an important part of growing up, but we know there can be a lot to think about for parents. As every child is different, we recommend building up their independence at their pace and checking in with them to make sure they feel safe."

Westerman offers guidance for parents and carers considering leaving their children home alone or allowing them to go out unsupervised over the summer:.

1. Are they ready to be left home alone?

Parents should consider how their child might handle being unsupervised, especially in case of emergencies. Westerman added: "Think about if they can deal with risks, will they behave responsibly, will they be safe?"

"And perhaps most importantly, how does your child feel about this idea? ".

2. Take sensible precautions.

If you're considering leaving your child at home by themselves, take precautions like leaving a spare set of keys and ensuring they have access to food and the bathroom. Westerman said: "Consider if there's anything that could hurt them and how you could reduce that risk."

3. Never leave babies or young children alone.

Westerman emphasises the critical point that babies and very young children should never be left unattended, not even for short periods, regardless of whether they are asleep or awake. She added: "Children under the age of 12 are rarely mature enough to cope in an emergency and should not be left at home alone for a long period."

The charity further advises against leaving children under 16 alone overnight and reminds parents to consider any additional needs a child may have when deciding whether to leave them at home alone or with an older sibling.

4. Know the facts if they go out unsupervised.

When your child is heading out on their own, it's vital to be aware of their intended destination, activities, companions, and travel distance. Westerman added that this will help parents "make the right decision."

5. Make sure they have the right phone numbers.

Ensure your child has the contact number of a parent or carer, and identify a trustworthy adult nearby they can turn to in case of an emergency if they're staying home alone. She said: "If they're going out alone, make sure they know a trusted adult's full name and address, and have two trusted adults' phone numbers."

6. Go through different scenarios with your child.

Discuss with your child early on about situations they might encounter and how to stay safe ask them what their actions would be and how they think they'd feel.

Westerman added: "If they're going to be home alone for example, ask them what they'd do if they hurt themselves or if a stranger knocks on the door."

"If they're going out alone, you might want to ask them what they'd do if someone asks them to do something they're not comfortable with. "

7. Establish clear boundaries.

Ensure your child is fully aware of the rules when they're unsupervised, whether in the home or if they venture out alone, so both you and they understand how they should behave when you're not present.

Westerman added: "It's a good idea to agree on some house or outside rules that suit their maturity before you leave them alone."

"Give your child a chance to build their independence by building your trust. If they adhere to rules and boundaries you set, you'll feel more confident letting them do more on their own."

If you're concerned about a child, contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email