Russell Brand's tour postponed amid sex assault allegations

Russell Brand
Russell Brand - PA

Russell Brand’s Bipolarisation tour has been “postponed”, his promoters confirmed.

The UK tour had three remaining dates in Windsor, Plymouth and Wolverhampton, scheduled for Sep 19, Sep 22 and Sep 28 respectively. But they have all been put on hold.

Promoters for the tour said in a statement: “We are postponing these few remaining addiction charity fundraiser shows, we don’t like doing it - but we know you’ll understand.”

It comes after the Metropolitan Police said it is investigating an allegation of sexual assault relating to Brand.

Scotland Yard confirmed it had received a report of an attack alleged to have taken place against a woman in Soho in 2003.

Brand vehemently denies the allegations.

08:11 PM BST

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08:05 PM BST


A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said they do not have an open investigation into claims made against Brand, and another spokesman confirmed there have been no arrests following two alleged incidents in the US.

08:05 PM BST

Metropolitan Police

The Metropolitan Police announced on Tuesday it had received a complaint from a woman of sexual assault alleged to have occurred in Soho, central London, in 2003.

The claim is separate to the allegations made by The Sunday Times.

The Met has said it is “aware of media reporting of a series of allegations of sexual assault” but there have been no direct reports in relation to the claims yet.

The force said officers spoke to The Sunday Times over the weekend and further contact would be made with the newspapers and Channel 4 to ensure “any victims of crime who they have spoken with are aware of how they may report any criminal allegations to police”.

It also encouraged anyone who believes they have been a victim of sexual assault to contact the police “no matter how long ago it happened”.

08:04 PM BST


Banijay UK, which bought Endemol in 2020, has also launched an “urgent internal investigation” and encouraged “anybody who feels that they were affected by Brand’s behaviour” to come forward.

08:03 PM BST

Channel 4

The Russell Brand Show was also broadcast in a chat format on Channel 4 in 2006 and he later returned to the channel to host Russell Brand’s Ponderland for two seasons from 2007.

Brand is accused of pursuing audience members for sex while presenting Big Brother spin-off shows EFourum and Big Brother’s Big Mouth on Channel 4.

Channel 4 announced it is conducting “its own internal investigation” and the broadcaster has removed content featuring Brand from their streaming service while they look into the allegations.

It said: “We will be writing to all our current suppliers reminding them of their responsibilities under our code of conduct, as we are committed to ensuring our industry has safe, inclusive and professional working environments.”

08:02 PM BST


The Russell Brand Show began broadcasting in 2006 on BBC Radio 6 Music before moving to BBC Radio 2 after gaining popularity. Brand left the station in 2008 after he and guest Jonathan Ross made headlines for leaving a “lewd” voicemail for Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs about his granddaughter.

Following the initial claims, a BBC spokesperson said: “The documentary and associated reports contained serious allegations, spanning a number of years. Russell Brand worked on BBC radio programmes between 2006 and 2008 and we are urgently looking into the issues raised.”

On Monday, The Times further reported that a woman claims Brand used the BBC’s car service to pick her up from school when she was 16 so she could visit his home.

08:01 PM BST

Met, BBC, Channel 4 and Banijay UK all investigating Brand

Russell Brand is being investigated by the Metropolitan Police, BBC, Channel 4 and a production company Banijay UK after he was accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse while working for the organisations.

The comedian and actor has denied the claims, including of controlling, abusive and predatory behaviour, which have been made by four women relating to alleged incidents between 2006 and 2013 in the UK and US.

A joint investigation published over the weekend by The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers, alongside a TV documentary by Channel 4 Dispatches, revealed the allegations facing the 48-year-old, who said on Friday night all of his relationships have been “consensual”.

06:22 PM BST

Tickets to be refunded

Theatre Royal Windsor has said it will refund tickets after Russell Brand’s Bipolarisation tour was postponed.

05:47 PM BST

Brand like 'catnip to women', Vanessa Feltz says

Vanessa Feltz, the British broadcaster said Russell Brand was like “catnip to women” and “exuded charisma” when she met him on Big Brother’s Big Mouth.

Speaking to TalkTV she said: “I saw his magentisim and allure, he exuded this charisma and star quality and what I saw was not someone who would prey on women but someone who was irresistible to women”.

04:50 PM BST

Brand 'postpones' tour

Russell Brand’s promoters have said his Bipolarisation tour is “postponed”.

In a statement a spokesperson said: “We are postponing these few remaining addiction charity fundraiser shows, we don’t like doing it - but we know you’ll understand.”

04:19 PM BST

Maitlis said Brand was 'mesmerising'

Emily Maitlis said Russell Brand was “mesmerising” when she interviewed him in 2017.

On the News Agents podcast she said: “I went to the interview prepared to loath him.

“I remember him being late and having his own make up room, and I thought ‘what a narcissist’.

“I hate people who do the power play thing by making an interviewer wait for no apparent reason.

“And then, in truth, he walked into the room and he is mesmerising, he is funny, smart, he is linguistic, his language is magnetic and he is charismatic. He charmed me.”

03:51 PM BST

Metropolitan Police investigates allegation of sexual assault

The Metropolitan Police is investigating an allegation of sexual assault relating to Russell Brand.

Scotland Yard confirmed it had received a report of an attack alleged to have taken place against a woman in Soho in 2003.

Detectives said they are in contact with the woman. Police have urged anyone to come forward with information after Brand was accused of sexually assaulting four women between 2006 and 2013. Brand vehemently denies the allegations.

A Met Police spokesperson said: “We are aware of reporting by The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches about allegations of sexual offences.

“On Sunday, 17 September, the Met received a report of a sexual assault which was alleged to have taken place in Soho in central London in 2003.”

Officers are in contact with the woman and will be providing her with support. “We first spoke with The Sunday Times on Saturday, 16 September and have since made further approaches to The Sunday Times and Channel 4 to ensure that anyone who believes they have been the victim of a sexual offence is aware of how to report this to the police.

“We continue to encourage anyone who believes they may have been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter how long ago it was, to contact us.”

03:24 PM BST

Watch: Russell Brand joked he 'raped someone once' during comedy podcast

Footage has emerged of the moment Russell Brand made a joke about a raping someone during a live comedy podcast.

Video, which has been deleted from YouTube in the past 24 hours was taken from a 2013 interview between Brand and Richard Herring at the Leicester Square Theatre.

During the Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre Podcast, Brand joked: “I’ve raped someone once”, he later added he “killed her after”. The audience and Mr Herring responded by laughing.

According to MailOnline, the video and interview have been deleted from Mr Herring’s YouTube channel since accusations against Brand from four women who allege they were sexually assaulted.

Brand vehemently denies the claims.

03:08 PM BST

Channel 4's Russell Brand documentary watched by over two million viewers

A Channel 4 Dispatches documentary revealing allegations of sexual assault concerning Russell Brand has been watched by more than two million people since it aired on Saturday, according to viewing figures.

Louisa Compton, the head of news at Channel 4, has shared figures which show the overnight audience for Russell Brand: In Plain Sight averaged 1.8 million viewers across the 90 minute slot,  and peaked at two million viewers.

According to the figures, the programme’s Channel 4 linear average audience is currently at 2.4 million after an additional day of consolidation, while a repeat on Sunday averaged a further 300,000 viewers overnight.

02:38 PM BST

Take it from a comedian – Russell Brand has never been funny

Russell Brand leaves the Troubabour Wembley Park theatre in north-west London after performing a comedy set.
Russell Brand leaves the Troubabour Wembley Park theatre in north-west London after performing a comedy set

By some distance the main talking point in comedy circles over the weekend has been the Channel 4 Dispatches exposé of Russell Brand, writes Simon Evans.

This was the sort of thing that had been hinted at but had never broken cover before, but nevertheless, we were all keen to see exactly what case the producers had built and speaking personally, I thought it credible.

There were parts that were grim and uncomfortable listening, and clearly amounted to serious allegations.

Brand has vehemently denied the “very, very serious criminal allegations” and insists that his relationships have been consensual. Reaction has been predictably divided along the usual tribal lines, and I don’t particularly feel you need my thoughts on whether this was trial by media.

One thing I do want to say, however, is that Brand is not now and never was a comedian.

Read more here.

02:17 PM BST

Russell Brand dropped by Jeremy Corbyn's poetry book

Russell Brand has been dropped from contributing to a book of poetry by Jeremy Corbyn and Len McCluskey.

Brand was announced earlier this year as one of several high-profile guest contributors for the anthology, entitled Poetry For The Many, but will now no longer feature following allegations of sexual assault, Huffington Post reported. Brand denies any wrongdoing.

A spokesman for Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘Peace and Justice Project’ said: “In light of the recent allegations concerning Russell Brand, we have removed his contribution from our upcoming Poetry For The Many project.”

Other contributors include Rob Delaney, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Ken Loach, Maxine Peake and Michael Rosen.

One review posted on Amazon describes the book as. “an excellent collection of wonderful poetry from wonderful people encouraging the working classes to embrace and enjoy culture.”

01:50 PM BST

Russell Brand allegations - main developments on Monday

Let’s recap on the main developments on Monday as Russell Brand faces accusations he sexually assaulted four women in the UK and US.

Brand’s father accuses BBC of ‘driving vendetta’ against his son

  • Number 10 say allegations are ‘very serious and concerning’

  • Brand accuser claims BBC ferried her to and from comedian’s home in chauffeur-driven car

  • Theatre considers cancelling Brand’s stand-up show as he nears end of UK tour

  • MPs say Brand should face criminal investigation

Brand denies the allegations.

01:00 PM BST

Rehab charity severs ties with Russell Brand - reports

A Staffordshire-based rehab charity has cut all ties with Russell Brand following sexual assault allegations, according to The Times.

BAC O-Connor, an addiction centre in Burton. is listed on Brand’s website as one of the causes he supports with visitors urged to make donations.

However, the charity’s director Noreen Oliver said it had severed ties with Brand following claims he attacked four women in the UK and US. Brand denies the allegations.

In 2017, Brand described the work of BAC O-Connor as “wonderful” during a visit to the town.

12:46 PM BST

Russell Brand accusers must be 'brave again' and speak to police, Tory MP says

Caroline Nokes, chair of the Commons Women and Equalities Committee, has told Times Radio that the women who have come forward with allegations against Russell Brand “need to be brave again” and go to the police.

Speaking to Matt Chorley, she said: “It feels like this is trial by media. And whilst there’s absolutely no doubt that we need to shine some sunlight on what has gone on, I think what matters most is that there is a formal police investigation and that if there is good cause, criminal charges be brought.

“It’s absolutely crucially important that we get a proper investigation, and that does mean the police and that does mean that these poor women being brave enough to come forward to the police to make official complaints so that an investigation can be done.”

“It takes bravery for any individual to speak out against people with power and influence. And so I think we absolutely have to give credit to those women who have been brave enough to speak out. Unfortunately, I think they are going to need to be brave again, and they’re going to have to be very courageous and go to the police.”

Brand vehemently denies the allegations.

12:13 PM BST

Downing Street - Netflix and YouTube must make decision on Russell Brand content

Downing Street has declined to urge broadcasters and streaming platforms such as YouTube and Netflix to take down Russell Brand’s output.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It’s a decision for all broadcasters to consider the right approach in light of these very serious allegations. They are deeply concerning, they need to be investigated.

“But I’m not going to dictate the actions of broadcasters or streaming services.”

12:12 PM BST

Downing Street - Allegations 'very serious and concerning'

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “These are very serious and concerning allegations.

“The Met Police has asked anyone who believes they have been a victim of a sexual assault to come forward to speak to officers.

“As the Foreign Secretary said over the weekend, people should feel able to raise concerns where they have them and know they will be treated seriously and treated with sensitivity.

“The Prime Minister has been clear there should never be any space for harassment, regardless of where it is found.”

12:11 PM BST

Downing Street urges broadcasters to show transparency in Russell Brand investigations

Downing Street has urged the BBC and Channel 4 to set out the results of their investigations into Russell Brand “transparently”.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It’s right that this is looked into and I think both of the broadcasters have said they would investigate and that is the right step.

“I’m not going to prejudge that, it will be for them to set out what they find and do so transparently.”

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer is expected to be speak to broadcasters about their investigations into Russell Brand at the next opportunity.

It was understood she will seek assurance that their investigations will be conducted thoroughly and transparently.

12:10 PM BST

Russell Brand's publisher 'pauses' relationship with comedian

Russell Brand’s publisher has paused its future projects with the comedian in the wake of sexual assault allegations.

Pan Macmillan imprint Bluebird said it had taken the decision after talent agency Tavistock Wood has “terminated all professional ties” to Brand. Books by Brand published by the company include Recovery, Recovery: The Workbook and Mentors.

A statement from the publisher said: “These are very serious allegations and in the light of them, Bluebird has taken the decision to pause all future publishing with Russell Brand.”

Brand vehemently denies allegations of wrongdoing.

11:36 AM BST

The Metropolitan Police and Los Angeles Police Department

The Metropolitan Police said it is “aware of media reporting of a series of allegations of sexual assault” but there have been no direct reports in relation to the claims yet.

The force said officers spoke to The Sunday Times over the weekend and further contact will be made with the newspapers and Channel 4 to ensure “any victims of crime who they have spoken with are aware of how they may report any criminal allegations to police”.

It also encouraged anyone who believes they have been a victim of sexual assault to contact the police “no matter how long ago it happened”.

A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said they do not have an open investigation into claims made against Brand, and another spokesman confirmed there have been no arrests following two alleged incidents in the US.

11:35 AM BST

Production company Banijay UK

A researcher has claimed concerns about Brand’s behaviour were reported to production managers at Endemol, the company commissioned by Channel 4 to produce the Big Brother spin-off programmes in 2004 and 2005, but were dismissed.

Banijay UK, which bought Endemol in 2020, has also launched an “urgent internal investigation” and encouraged “anybody who feels that they were affected by Brand’s behaviour” to come forward.

11:35 AM BST

Channel 4

The Russell Brand show aired on Channel 4 in 2006
The Russell Brand show aired on Channel 4 in 2006

The Russell Brand Show was also broadcast in a chat format on Channel 4 in 2006 and he later returned to the channel to host Russell Brand’s Ponderland for two seasons from 2007.

Brand is accused of pursuing audience members for sex while presenting Big Brother spin-off shows EFourum and Big Brother’s Big Mouth on Channel 4.

Channel 4 announced it is conducting “its own internal investigation” and the broadcaster has removed content featuring Brand from their streaming service while they look into the allegations.

It said: “We will be writing to all our current suppliers reminding them of their responsibilities under our code of conduct, as we are committed to ensuring our industry has safe, inclusive and professional working environments.”

11:34 AM BST


Russell Brand began broadcasting on the BBC in 2006
Russell Brand began broadcasting on the BBC in 2006

The Russell Brand Show began broadcasting in 2006 on BBC Radio 6 Music before moving to BBC Radio 2 after gaining popularity. Brand left the station in 2008 after he and guest Jonathan Ross made headlines for leaving a “lewd” voicemail for Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs about his granddaughter.

Following the initial claims, a BBC spokesperson said: “The documentary and associated reports contained serious allegations, spanning a number of years. Russell Brand worked on BBC radio programmes between 2006 and 2008 and we are urgently looking into the issues raised.”

On Monday, The Times further reported that a woman claims Brand used the BBC’s car service to pick her up from school when she was 16 so she could visit his home.

11:34 AM BST

Russell Brand - which investigations are under way?

Russell Brand
Russell Brand

Russell Brand is being investigated by the BBC, Channel 4 and a production company after he was accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse while working for the organisations.

The high-profile comedian and actor has denied the claims, including of controlling, abusive and predatory behaviour, which have been made by four women relating to alleged incidents between 2006 and 2013 in the UK and US.

A joint investigation published over the weekend by The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers, alongside a TV documentary by Channel 4 Dispatches, revealed the allegations facing the 48-year-old, who said on Friday night all of his relationships have been “consensual”.

The PA news agency outlines which investigations are under way and the potential scope of these probes.

11:31 AM BST

Brand accuser - BBC car picked me up from school to comedian's house

Alice also told Woman’s Hour a BBC chauffer-driven car was used to take her from school to Russell Brand’s house when she was 16.

She said the comedian’s managers had advised him not to be seen with her and said she was “coached” by Brand on what to say to her parents.

“I’m 16 years old so I need to definitely to go to school. I need to go to after-school activities. I need to see my friends, within those times that I would sneak off and see him,” she recalls.

“Russell groomed me, he coached me on what to say to my parents.

“He told me to save his number in my phone in a different name. I think we should at least start to think about changing the ideas of consent, because the individuals between the ages of 16 and 18 can have relations with people within that same age.”

Brand has denied any allegations of wrongdoing. The BBC is investigating claims that complaints made against Brand during his time at the broadcaster were ignored.

11:26 AM BST

Watch: GB News presenters in row over Russell Brand allegations

GB News presenters Andrew Pierce and Bev Turner were embroiled in a furious row on air after Ms Turner invited Russell Brand onto the show and described him as a hero.

Mr Pierce repeatedly said “shame on you” to his co-host as he asked whether she had sympathy for the alleged victims who claim they were sexually assaulted by the comedian.

Ms Turner said she was unconvinced by a “flimsy” investigation into wrongdoing.

Watch here:

11:09 AM BST

Brand accuser - BBC made 'exceptions and allowances'

Alice has said the BBC had questions to answer over how it handled “inappropriate” behaviour by Russell Brand during his stint as a host on Radio 2.

She suggested the corporation did not hold Brand to the same standards as other presenters or newsreaders.

“He had a very well known record of doing things that were inappropriate on the air, he had inappropriate conversations.”

“There were exceptions and allowances made for him and we need to ask ourselves why,” she adds.

Russell Brand has vehemently denied allegations of wrongdoing.

11:07 AM BST

Brand accuser - Comedian's denial is 'insulting'

Russell Brand’s denial of sexual assault allegations has been branded “insulting” by one of his accusers.

The woman, known as Alice, alleged she was sexually assaulted after she began a relationship with Brand when she was 16 and he was 31.

Speaking to  Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, Alice said Brand’s denial of wrongdoing is “insulting” and accused him of using his social media platforms to build an audience that would distrust the claims against him.

“It is laughable that he would even imply that it’s a mainstream media conspiracy. He’s not outside of mainstream media,” Alice said.

“I think he was building himself an audience for years that would then have great distrust of any publication that came forward with allegations. He knew it was coming for a long time.”

10:33 AM BST

Channel 4 emails staff about Russell Brand allegations

Channel 4 has reportedly emailed all its staff about the Russell Brand allegations as it investigates whether people at the broadcaster “had knowledge of alleged behaviours”.

Rosamund Urwin, The Sunday Times’ media editor and one of the first journalists to report Brand was facing claims of sexual assault, said Channel 4 chief executive Alex Mahon had written to employees.

10:18 AM BST

Russell Brand's father accuses BBC of 'vendetta' against son

Ron Brand's Facebook post
Ron Brand's Facebook post
Ron Brand pictured with his son Russell
Ron Brand pictured with his son Russell

The father of Russell Brand has accused the BBC of pursuing a “vendetta” against his son who faces sexual assault allegations from multiple women in the UK and US.

Ron Brand has questioned why the BBC was leading on “unproven accusations of 15 years ago” concerning his son after four women alleged they were attacked between 2006 and 2013. Russell Brand vehemently denies all allegations against him.

The comedian’s father intervention comes as MPs said on Monday a criminal investigation should take place over allegations first reported by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4 on Saturday.

On the 80-year-old’s Facebook page, Mr Brand wrote: “Is this seriously the most important thing happening in the World? Immigrants? Cost of Living? 10s of thousands killed in Ukraine? Who is Prioritising at BBC News? Who is really driving this Vendetta?

In a separate post he added: “With many Struggling to pay bills. The unproven accusations of 15 Years ago take lead on BBC News?” The Telegraph has approached Mr Brand for further comment.

09:55 AM BST

Theatre considering cancelling Russell Brand show - reports

The Theatre Royal Windsor is said to be considering Russell Brand’s stand-up show on Tuesday in the wake of sexual assault allegations against him, ITV are reporting.

Paul Brand, the UK Editor of ITV News, has reported that managers are meeting on Monday morning and an update to ticket holders is expected later.

09:42 AM BST

YouTube faces questions over Brand platform, ex-newspaper editor suggests

Brand on YouTube
Russell Brand commands a following of 6.59 million on YouTube

A former editor of The Sun newspaper has suggested YouTube faces questions over providing a platform for Russell Brand in the wake of allegations of sexual assault against the comedian.

David Yelland told Radio 4’s Today programme that no one was talking about Brand’s current platform with efforts more focused on his past associations with “legacy media institutions” such as BBC and Channel 4.

He said: “We are all looking back at the BBC and the agency that advises him and Channel 4. Russell Brand still has a platform on YouTube, he has 6.6 million followers, which is 100% owned by Google.

“The story is not the reputational risk at the moment, and the crisis is not about the legacy media institutions, it is what is happening right now and we are not talking about it.”

Brand commands a following of four million on Instagram, 2.2 million on TikTok and 6.59 million on YouTube, for his near daily polemics on a range of subjects and has used social media to deny allegations he faces.

09:19 AM BST

Recap: 'His wellness image masks the 'demon' underneath'


A woman who claims she was raped by Russell Brand says he is a “demon” behind his public persona, Max Stephens reports.

Brand, 48, is accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse following an exposé by the Sunday Times and Dispatches, Channel 4’s investigative programme.

The comedian and presenter strongly denies the allegations, saying all his relationships have been consensual.

In recent years, Brand has stepped away from mainstream television and Hollywood films and instead produces internet videos advising on addiction recovery and wellness to millions of his followers.

An alleged victim, known only as Nadia, claims she was raped at Brand’s home in Los Angeles in 2012.

Read more here.

09:08 AM BST

Los Angeles police not aware of Russell Brand complaints

The Los Angeles Police Department has reportedly said it is not aware of any complaints over Russell Brand.

Brand is accused of sexually assaulting two women while he lived in California, one of which allegedly left a woman receiving treatment at a rape centre.

Brand has vehemently denied the allegations, which also concern a further two women in the UK.

According to the BBC, the LAPD said it had not been made aware of any complaints over Brand and currently had nothing to add to reports first published by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4.

08:55 AM BST

Ex-BBC investigative journalist - Brand investigators should talk to BBC drivers

A former BBC investigative journalist has said the broadcaster should speak to its drivers as they “know a hell of a lot” of what happens within the entertainment industry in its investigation into complaints against Russell Brand.

Meirion Jones, whose planned exposé into Jimmy Savile for Newsnight was suppressed by the BBC, said he had received messages from numerous women who worked for BBC, ITV for Channel 4 in the wake of sexual assault allegations.

Brand denies any wrongdoing.

Speaking to Times Radio, Mr Jones said that BBC drivers should be asked questions because they “know a hell of a lot” about what goes on behind the scenes.

”We had a driver at Newsnight called Dave...he was like having your own intelligence service really. He talked to all the other BBC drivers. You found out what was going on across the organisation. Those people know a hell of a lot. And if I was doing an investigation of this, the drivers would be some of the first people I would talk to,” he said.

08:37 AM BST

Ex-BBC executive: I declined chance to put Russell Brand on BBC One

A former BBC executive has said she declined an opportunity to showcase Russell Brand on BBC One because she did not feel he was a “suitable person”.

Lorraine Heggessey, the first female Controller of BBC One, said she was invited to watch Brand’s stand-up show in Edinburgh with a view to him appearing on the channel.

But Ms Heggessey, who was the Controller between 2000 and 2005, said she decided the comedian was unsuitable for BBC One and would not appeal to families. “I declined to put Russell on BBC One. I did not feel he was suitable for a mainstream audience,” she told Radio 4’s Today programme.

Brand later worked on BBC radio programmes between 2006 and 2008.

08:17 AM BST

Minister urges sexual assault victims to contact police

A Government minister has urged women who have experienced sexual assault to report it to the police.

Asked by LBC radio host Nick Ferrari what broadcasters should do in the wake of allegations against Russell Brand, which the comedian and actor has denied, pensions minister Laura Trott told LBC radio: “I think everybody needs to do better.

“I think no woman, Nick, reading the allegations that were all over the place this weekend could do anything other than shudder. It’s horrific.

“And I pay absolute tribute to the women who’ve come forward and also the journalists that have pursued this, the editors who’ve allowed them to do that, the investment that’s been put in place and the huge legal risk that’s taken for stories such as these.

“We all need to do better. And I would just plead any woman who’s had experiences like this to come forward and to report them to the police.”

08:11 AM BST

Theatre urged to cancel Brand appearance

Labour councillors in Devon have called on the Plymouth Pavilions to cancel a planned appearance by Russell Brand on Friday.

The comedian has three dates remaining on his Bipolarisation tour starting with Windsor on Tuesday. He is then scheduled to appear at Plymouth on Friday before ending the UK tour in Wolverhampton on September 28.

08:01 AM BST

More women come forward with Russell Brand allegations

More women have come forward with allegations against Russell Brand after he was accused of rape and sexual assault, it has been reported.

The BBC is urgently investigating claims that complaints made concerning the comedian and broadcaster were ignored during his time at the corporation.

According to The Times and The Sunday Times, more women have now made contact over Brand’s behaviour since the allegations were first reported on Saturday.

It is not yet known how many women have come forward with fresh allegations, or the details of them but come after four women, one of whom was 16, alleged they were sexually assaulted by Brand.

The BBC has been urged to “come clean” about what it knew of alleged wrongdoing by the comedian, with executives set to be hauled in front of MPs to answer questions.

07:53 AM BST

Comedian should face criminal investigation, says chair of Commons committee

A criminal probe should look into the sexual assault allegations against Russell Brand, the chairwoman of the Commons Women and Equalities Committee has said.

Caroline Nokes told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “These allegations are incredibly shocking and criminal.

“And I would very much hope that complaints will be made both to the Metropolitan Police and indeed in the States, because this merits and needs a criminal investigation, because for too long we have seen men - and the perpetrators of these sorts of crimes are almost invariably men - not being held to account for their behaviours and their actions.”

She added: “Unfortunately it seems that celebrity, for whatever reason, can act as a shield for individuals who choose to conduct themselves in a way which, to be quite frank, if that were to happen in any business organisation, you’d like to think that they’d be out the door.”

Asked whether it is a matter for her committee, the senior Tory MP said: “First and foremost I think it’s a matter for the police.”

07:52 AM BST

Good morning

We will be bringing you live coverage of allegations concerning Russell Brand after the comedian was accused of sexually assaulting four women.

The BBC is urgently investigating claims that complaints made concerning the comedian and broadcaster were ignored during his time at the corporation.

For the latest developments follow the Telegraph website.