'Sad' that PSNI presence at the Brandywell deemed necessary after 'public disorder', says MLA

Photo showing A general view of the Ryan McBride Brandywell Stadium
A general view of the Ryan McBride Brandywell Stadium -Credit:INPHO/Evan Logan

The need for a police presence for football matches at the Ryan McBride Brandywell Stadium in Derry city has been described as "sad" after what the PSNI described as "public disorder" at an earlier game.

The "public disorder" - in the Lone Moor Road area - happened after Derry City's match against Shamrock Rovers on Friday night and included attacks on police, the PSNI said.

On Monday night, for the match against St Patrick's Athletic, police said officers were "out and about in the area" and "engaging with the community and fans attending" the match.

Read more: PSNI attacked during "public disorder" after football match

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Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan, a Derry City season ticket holder, told Belfast Live it is "sad" that a police presence is now deemed necessary at matches at the Brandywell.

"The Brandywell has always prided itself on being the only ground on these islands, if I'm not mistaken, that didn't have or require any sort of police presence around it on match days," he said.

"You know, it's sad that it's come to a situation where the police presence is required. That's the fault of those who have, I suppose, caused bother at recent home games."

Mr Durkan, who was at the match with Shamrock Rovers on Friday night, said some fans were being "attacked indiscriminately" with objects being thrown "blindly over a wall".

"The other night could have resulted in serious injury or even worse, and not necessarily even a visiting fan - not that they're worth any less," he added. "They could have landed on anyone and injured anyone. It's completely unacceptable.

"We'd like there to be no need for police but we can't have lawlessness either."

He added: "It's important that, in tackling these issues that have arisen, there's a partnership working between the club, the community and the police to minimise the risk of these things happening."

In a statement issued following Monday night's match against St Pat's, PSNI Chief Inspector Luke Moyne said: "“Understandably, there were concerns following the incidents that occurred in the Lone Moor Road area of the Brandywell on Friday evening, 19th April.

"Our officers were out and about in the area this evening, Monday 22 April, engaging with the community and with fans attending tonight's football match. The match itself passed without incident.

"However, a male teenager was arrested in the Lone Moor Gardens area during the evening on suspicion of possession of an article with a blade or point in a public place. The male was subsequently released, and is to be referred to the Youth Diversion Officer."

The officer added: "We are grateful for the community support and we can reassure the community we will continue to deliver community-focused policing in the area.”

In a statement issued following the match on Friday, Chief Inspector Moyne had said: “Officers intervened following public disorder after a football match in the area.

“When responding to the incident, masonry was thrown at police. There have been no reports of injury at this time, however it was reported that a large group of young people were involved in the damage of a number of police vehicles. The group dispersed and a policing presence will remain in the area.

“Footage obtained by our evidence-gathering team will form part of the investigation."

He added: “Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 or, make a report online via www.psni.police.uk/makeareport Alternatively, information can be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.”

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