Sadiq Khan bids to block pension of rapist ex-Metropolitan Police officer Adam Provan

London mayor Sadiq Khan is aiming to block the pension of rapist ex-Metropolitan Police officer Adam Provan.

Provan was jailed last week for 16 years, with another eight years on extended licence, for multiple rapes against a teenage girl and a female police officer.

The 44-year-old was convicted in June of six counts of rape of a fellow police officer between 2003 and 2005.

He was also found guilty of two counts of rape of a 16-year-old girl, Lauren Taylor - now aged 29 - who waived her right to anonymity.

Provan met her on a blind date after lying about his age in 2010.

Ex-officers' pensions can only normally be blocked if the offending has been carried out in connection to their police service.

Provan's pension is reportedly £10,000 a year.

He was a serving officer in the Met Police East Area Command Unit at the time of his offences.

The officer went under the radar until Ms Taylor came forward in 2016 to report she had been twice raped by him.

Provan was jailed for nine years in 2018 after being convicted of raping Ms Taylor, following a retrial - but served three years and three months in prison before a successful appeal.

Now, Mr Khan is seeking to strip the rapist of his pension, but cannot do so in its entirety - Provan is entitled to keep at least 35% of his contributions.

Read more:
Met was warned Provan was unsuitable to be police officer
Provan had 'fascination bordering on obsessive' with young women

A spokesman for Mr Khan's office said: "Following the conviction of Adam Provan for these truly horrendous crimes, the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) are pursuing forfeiture of this former officer's pension."

MOPAC had started the pension forfeiture process following Proven's first conviction, but this was paused due to the appeal and retrial.

It will now seek permission from the Home Secretary Suella Braverman to block Provan's pension, and if successful, will decide how much of the pension should be removed.

Home Office guidance states forfeiture can only be applied for when an officer's offence has been certified by the Home Secretary as "liable to lead to a serious loss of confidence in the public service" or "gravely injurious to the interests of the state".

Ms Braverman previously backed the mayor to have serial rapist David Carrick's £22,000 a year pension frozen.