Sadiq’s new manifesto will condemn London to decline

Sadiq Khan
Sadiq Khan

It is a truism of electoral politics that voters won’t back you for what you’ve done (as they assume that’s just part of the job) but will vote for you because of what you promise to do next and deliver in the future. All well and good, until elections roll around and politicians start falling over themselves to pledge to spend your own money in ways they think will attract the most votes.

This is in full swing in the London mayoral election.  The first manifesto from the two major political parties has just been launched, and the incumbent Mayor of London is in full cash splashing mode.

The first of his top ten manifesto pledges is his plan to make universal school meals permanent for children. But this is not as progressive as it might seem, and Londoners might question why their money is being spent on feeding every single child - including those with wealthy parents who attend many of the capital’s top state schools. They might also reasonably ask where Sadiq Khan intends to find this money, and worry that money will be funnelled away from areas which require pressing reform - and which, frankly, are actually in his brief.

This of course, is Sadiq all over. Loud, glitzy events to gain support, while anyone who queries or complains is guilty of mal-intent. The Mayor put Ramadan on a par with Christmas by erecting lights in the centre of the city. Tens of millions have been spent on nonsense projects, like a fake beach along the river, or funding a café with no set prices, allowing customers pay to what they like. (Its website described it as a “utopian experiment” to question “neoliberal economic dogma”).

Meanwhile, violent crime is up by almost a third. Knife crime has risen by 30 per cent since the pandemic. According to a poll released today, more than one in five Londoners have been attacked or threatened with violence in the past five years. Following a recent spate of high-profile attacks, including the acid incident in Clapham, women in particular feel increasingly unsafe. Yet the proposed solutions in the manifesto are worryingly vague, including “supporting the Met to take tougher action” against burglars and “ensuring the Met police reforms and rebuilds trust with Londoners”. We should be very wary of politicians who splash attention and resources on what are essentially vanity projects rather than core parts of the job.

Want to cheer yourself up from the spreading miasmic sense of decline, and let your hair down for a night? Well, that might be tricky, too. Since the last mayoral election, more than 1,100 bars and clubs in London have closed their doors, including iconic venues like Printworks and Werkhaus. The Mayor’s answer? “Night tsar” Amy Lamé, whose £117,000 salary has risen by around 40 per cent since she was appointed in 2016.

Even where there are more concrete proposals, they tend to fundamentally misunderstand how the economy works. Take the recent example of his proposal to deliver 6,000 homes in which rents would be capped at a third of local salaries, despite rent controls having only ever made the housing crisis worse where they’ve been implemented, including in Scotland, Berlin, Stockholm and Dublin. Khan may well pledge to build 40,000 new council homes by the end of the decade, but we should not forget that council house building starts under the £4.8 billion “Building Council Homes for Londoners” programme have fallen far short of expectations.

The last few years have been difficult, not least for those who live in London and who are watching the sad decline of a brilliant city. And it’s easy to want to vote for politicians who promise that they will make it better purely by saying that it will be so, or who put forward policy proposals which seem “fair” but are actually the opposite. Britain needs the capital to be firing on all cylinders. Under Sadiq, it has stalled.