Safety advice issued as hot weather rolls in

Safety advice issued as weather gets hot and sunny <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
Safety advice issued as weather gets hot and sunny (Image: NQ)

With temperatures getting hotter this week, medical experts are reminding people to protect themselves whilst out enjoying the sun.

Weymouth is set for temperatures of 24c today (Wednesday, June 26), whilst in Dorchester it will be slightly warmer with highs of 25c.

The weather is expected to remain warm and sunny throughout the week and into the weekend with Public Health Dorset issuing advice on how to protect yourself and stay safe from the hot weather.

A spokesperson for Public Health Dorset said: "It's hot and sunny in Dorset this week.

Follow these simple steps to enjoy it safely: apply sunscreen regularly, wear appropriate clothing, sunglasses and a hat, get some shade, especially between 11am-3pm, take extra care of little ones and stay hydrated."