Santander issues urgent message to customers after their 'world turned upside down'

Santander has offered customers a "helping hand" if they or their loved one needs one. The high street banking giant, which is rivalled by the likes of Barclays, HSBC UK, NatWest, Lloyds, Nationwide and more, has issued an email, seen by BirminghamLive, to customers.

"Hi [customer name]", the email begins. It goes on: "When you or someone you love has cancer, it can turn your world upside down. That's why we've partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support. If you're affected by cancer, we're ready to help.

"Get support when it matters most. A cancer diagnosis can be really scary. It can also affect the amount of money you have coming in. We know that most people don't want to talk to their bank about their problems. That’s especially true of health.

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"Our branch and contact centre colleagues have had specialist training from Macmillan. That means they're ready to listen and offer practical support. Then you can get back to the things that matter most, like your family and friends.

"We’ve also worked with Macmillan to create a dedicated page. It's got resources to help if you’re worried about money. It also includes practical support and help with how you're feeling. The Macmillan support line's also available with specialist help if you need it."

It added: "We're here for you during difficult times. Our many partnerships ensure support for you and your loved ones, whether you’re facing an unexpected diagnosis or financial challenges." It goes on: "We have a trained financial support team ready to listen and help where we can, but you might prefer to talk to someone independent.

"Check out the list of organisations and charities who can provide free money advice and support with your wellbeing." It adds: "When you or someone you love has cancer, it can turn your world upside down. We’re in partnership with Macmillan to make banking better for customers affected by cancer."