Sarah Ferguson defends Prince Andrew as she snaps at Martin Lewis on Good Morning Britain

Sarah Ferguson found herself in an uncomfortable position on Wednesday's episode of Good Morning Britain, as she faced questioning regarding Prince Andrew's spat with King Charles III.

The former wife of Prince Andrew engaged in conversation with hosts Susanna Reid and Martin Lewis about her personal health struggles - specifically her skin cancer diagnosis received earlier this year, following previous treatment for breast cancer.

After some light-hearted dialogue about her recuperation and aspiration to feature in Netflix hit show Bridgerton, the discussion took a dramatic twist. Lewis began probing the 64-year-old Duchess about her ex-husband's problematic relationship with King Charles III.

Tensions are reportedly high between the Royal siblings, as Charles has allegedly been pressuring Andrew to leave the Windsor property he currently resides in with Sarah. Confronting the issue directly, Lewis addressed her saying: "Bit of a damper... obviously, you live with Prince Andrew in Royal Lodge."

Prompted to give details by Lewis' enquiry of "Do we know what's going on with that? ", Sarah simply shrugged it off saying: "It's not a Debbie Downer [...] I'm a guest, for a start. I'm a very lucky guest and a very comfortable guest, reports the Mirror.

Sarah Ferguson was grilled by Susanna Reid and Martin Lewis
Sarah Ferguson was grilled by Susanna Reid and Martin Lewis -Credit:ITV

"She firmly outlined her feelings to the persistent TV host stating, "I tend not to get involved in brothers' discussions and I think that's the safest place to be. " The Duchess continued by suggesting, "Let the brothers discuss it between themselves".

This comes amidst heightened tensions as King Charles III and the Duke of York find themselves embroiled in an intense property dispute over the Royal Lodge.

The monarch has threatened to cut ties with Andrew if the disgraced Royal continues to refuse to leave the £30million mansion property, where he has resided for two decades (since signing the lease in 2003) and which he shares with his ex-wife Sarah.

King Charles has suggested that Andrew relocate to the smaller Frogmore Cottage amid whispers that Prince William, as the heir to the throne, is eager to move in. Prince Andrew was relieved of his official duties following his forced resignation due to his involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

As the one in charge of the Royal household's finances, King Charles has contemplated limiting funds, including his brother's £3million security bill, if Andrew remains in the Lodge.

Once a favourite among Royal enthusiasts, Prince Andrew fell from favour in 2022 after his association with Jeffrey Epstein came to light.

Virginia Giuffre, a woman who revealed she had been trafficked and abused by Jeffrey from the age of 16, claimed that part of her ordeal involved being lent to powerful men, which included Prince Andrew.

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