Sausage dogs, now's your time to shine! New festival dedicated to Dachshunds

Hampshire Dachs Fest 2024 will take place in August <i>(Image: Through Eyes of Dogs)</i>
Hampshire Dachs Fest 2024 will take place in August (Image: Through Eyes of Dogs)

Sausage dogs are to get their time in the sun thanks to a brand new festival dedicated to Dachshunds.

Hampshire Dachs Fest, in August, will cater solely for the popular pooch, known to be a great pet thanks to their curious, lively, charming and brave nature.

Lieutenant Maveryck, Lady Esmeralda and Lord Dachsington, pictured, are promoting the event, which is being organised by their owner, canine behaviourist Harriet Newman-Rose.

(Image: Through Eyes of Dogs)

They've become well known recently as the faces of the GoodWoof announcement in The Times that the festival will feature the breed from next year.

The new Dachshund event, set to take place at Crofton Community Centre in Stubbington on Saturday August 31, will raise money for a Dachshund charity will launching Harriet's new business Through Eyes of Dogs.

(Image: Through Eyes of Dogs)

It will include a fun dog show, live music, have a- go-activities for owners and their dogs and will be a lovely family day out. We are expecting over 500 people to the event and large behaviour and training stalls, as well as stalls from local businesses.

More than 500 people and their pups are expected to attend.