'I saw the car coming towards me and I thought… I’m dead'

Callum Baldwin has always had a love for 'anything with an engine'. He started riding motorbikes aged just 10, and became the proud owner of his own Yamaha in September 2021.

But a routine trip on the motorcycle to to drop off some keys for work in April 2022 changed Callum’s life forever. Without warning, a van cut across his path and collided with him, sending him hurtling towards a parked car on the side of the road.

Despite him travelling at just 30mph, the impact was so severe that Callum bit straight through his tongue and shattered several teeth, but he miraculously survived the crash. He was rushed to hospital where doctors were forced to wire his jaw shut to prevent his face from collapsing after scans revealed that he had fractured his cheek and chin.

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One of his teeth came loose a few days after the crash but with his jaw wired shut Callum was unable to open his mouth so had no choice but to swallow it.

Two years later Callum still has to wear a balaclava when the temperature drops below freezing otherwise his face aches. He cannot enjoy fizzy drinks or foods like salt and vinegar crisps as they make his tongue burn where he bit through it.

Callum was awarded upwards of £100,000 after taking legal action against the van driver who cut him off and has said he will never buy a motorbike again.

“I saw the car coming towards me and I thought… I’m dead,” Callum told PA Real Life. “I have never felt that bad in my life.

“My tooth came out while my jaw was (wired) shut but I had no choice but to swallow it – it was minging. I’m never riding a motorbike again.”

Asked whether he has a message for van drivers, Callum said “pay attention”.

Callum's trip to Leigh-on-Sea at around 7.35am on April 8, 2022, saw him strike the vehicle with such force and speed that it briefly lifted the car off the ground.

“There was nothing I could do, he just cut me up, crushing my knee and foot and then I was flying in the air,” he said.

“I can’t believe I survived. Someone ran over to me and asked if I was dead. I was in total shock.”

Callum knew the situation was really serious when he removed his helmet and blood with clotted lumps started pouring down his face.

“I tried to get up and walk but fell back down,” he said. “I could feel myself bleeding in my helmet and my mouth and when I took it off there was a gush of blood, normal and clotted lumps so I knew something serious had happened.

“I was in so much pain. There were clotted chunks of blood coming out of my face.”

Callum was rushed to Southend General Hospital before being transferred to Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex. Scans revealed Callum had suffered serious injuries to his fingers and knee, and broken his foot and multiple bones in his face. Several of his teeth were also shattered in the crash and Callum’s cheek bone was fractured.

To prevent his face from collapsing completely, doctors were obliged to wire his jaw shut.

“My tongue just wouldn’t stop bleeding where I had bitten it so they had to stitch it up,” he said. “They put a plate in my chin and used loads of elastic-type bands to keep it in place.”

For the next eight weeks, Callum could only eat blended ice creams, yogurts and water through gaps in his teeth.

“It was so hard not being able to eat,” he said. “I couldn’t even use a straw. But mum was my rock. Now, I can’t eat any of those things because they remind me of what happened.”

Walking up stairs and moving around also proved difficult for Callum because of his damaged knee and foot. It took him over three hours to eat chilli and rice after doctors removed the wire and he was finally able to move his jaw.

“It was so hard to eat. I couldn’t believe it,” he added. “It was wired shut for that long that it took me a couple weeks to open my mouth again.

“I still can’t open it fully without feeling it.”

Even now, two years after the accident, Callum still suffers with symptoms, including being hyper sensitive to the cold.

“If it’s cold outside, my face aches so I’ve always got my hood up or a balaclava,” he said. "I have to wrap up or suffer it.”

The left-hand side of Callum’s face remains numb to this day and he tries to avoid “fizzy drinks” and “sour foods” which sting his tongue.

“Where I bit through my tongue there’s now a scar,” he said. “So anything like fizzy drinks, hot drinks or salt and vinegar crisps, stings like hell.”

Callum took legal action against the van driver with Express Solicitors, who specialise in personal injury claims. While he does not wish to reveal the exact amount, Callum received upwards of £100,000 with the help of his lawyer Rachel Flannigan.

She told PA Real Life: “Callum is a very lucky man. His injuries could easily have been fatal and have now left him with lifelong implications.

“This settlement can now help him secure his future. Drivers need to be ware of motorcyclists at all times.”