School where every child is valued is praised by Ofsted

Ofsted inspectors have praised a ‘friendly and welcoming’ place to learn. They said Little Stoke Primary School continues to be a good school.

The report states: “Staff build positive relationships with pupils. Pupils embrace the school’s values of aspiration, inclusion, responsibility and collaboration in all they do and say.

“The school creates an environment where pupils feel listened to and valued. Staff are kind and patient. Pupils develop the confidence to talk about any worries or concerns they might have. They trust adults to resolve issues quickly.

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“The school has high expectations for every pupil. In turn, pupils listen attentively and try their best in lessons. The school is a calm and purposeful place, where pupils can focus on their learning. Pupils enjoy the range of activities and clubs that develop and stretch their talents and interests. These include extra-curricular sports, gardening and music.

“The great majority of parents are fully supportive of the school. They appreciate the inclusive, welcoming ethos the school creates.”

It adds that it has overcome many staffing changes and reversed a legacy of weaker past provisions.

“Some of this contributed to below national year six outcomes in English and mathematics in 2023,” the report adds. “However, the school has worked at pace to secure important improvements to the quality of education. Pupils are doing much better now than in the past.”

The report praised the emphasis on reading, with no pupil left behind, as well as the school’s ambitious, well-structured curriculum.

“A focus on improving the quality of teaching is paying off,” the report adds. “Teachers break tasks down into small steps to help pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make sense of new concepts. In mathematics, for example, staff regularly check what pupils understand and remember.

It continues: “Governors understand the school’s priorities. They provide effective support and challenge to school leaders.”

Headteacher Dan Ross said: “We are beyond delighted with the report. Staff have worked tirelessly to implement a clear and consistent approach to teaching based on evidence-based principles. At Little Stoke Primary, we strive to create a curriculum which excites and engages our pupils as well as preparing them well as they continue their next steps of their education journey.

"We are so proud of the staff and pupils at school for receiving this positive acknowledgement of all the hard work and commitment.”

The school has 208 pupils aged 4 to 11.