Scorching weather forecast for Watford as July heatwave 'likely'

Watford's weather is set to be heating up. <i>(Image: PA)</i>
Watford's weather is set to be heating up. (Image: PA)

Watford is set to sizzle this month as forecasters have predicted a second heatwave is coming to the UK.

Weather maps show an airstream is making its way to the UK from the Mediterranean bringing temperatures into the late 20s and up to 30C in some areas.

It comes after a changeable June saw periods of rain before 25C warmth in Watford last week.

The next heatwave will is predicted to hit in mid-July with it likely to peak on Sunday, July 14, according to the latest weather map by Netweather.

The forecaster expects temperatures to be at their hottest at around 30C across the south east of England and London on July 14.

Watford is set for milder weather first though, as the next seven days will see temperatures around 19C and interspersed sunny and cloudy periods, according to the Met Office.

The forecaster's long range predictions are less optimistic however as it said there would be dry and warm weather in the south and east of England from July 5 to 15, with lower than average temperatures.

For the last two weeks of July, it expects periods of cloud mixed with drier weather with a chance of hotter than average temperatures towards the end of the month.