Scott Underwood: A conspiracy theory worth getting behind

Jan. 23—If it were only true.

Some conspiracy theorists on the far right claim the Democratic Party, driven by "the deep state," has a fix in for the 2024 presidential election.

Party insiders, the theory goes, have already decided Joe Biden won't be the Democratic nominee. Instead, the evil puppet masters pulling the strings from behind the curtain will make sure that another person — wait for it — will get the nomination.

Michelle Obama.

Now, I'm no believer in conspiracy theories, which are always wrong and often started with nefarious intent and spread through stupidity.

But this one I could get behind.

Just think of all the wonderful qualities Obama has.

She's smart, well educated, well versed in the law, not too young, not too old, experienced in the ways of the White House and of politics in general, has a heart for service, had common sense and is empathetic but tough.

Hillary Clinton had many of these qualities, too, but was too closely associated with the Clinton political machine and lacked Obama's warm and appealing personality.

Here's another reason to clamor for Obama in '24: Male-dominated governance has brought us to this ugly, chaotic place in American politics.

Isn't it time for a woman in the White House?

But Nikki Haley or just any other woman won't do. We need Michelle Obama.

Her husband won two terms and, particularly when his presidency is viewed through today's lens, presided over a period of relative peace and civility.

He was a gentleman president, and his wife would be a lady president.

As president, Michelle Obama would listen as much as talk. And when she did talk? It would be with great sincerity rather than egomaniacal Trump-esque chest thumping or Biden-esque meandering.

Obama also has a unique and well informed perspective on the peril that could lay beyond the 2024 election.

"I'm terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter," she said during an early-January interview on CNN. "Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit affects us in ways that, sometimes I think, people take for granted."

Sounds like someone who, with the right encouragement, just might decide to run, right?

Well, probably not.

But most Americans feel like I do; they're not really fans of either Trump or Biden. And the sinking realization that it's going to come down to those two is starting to set in.

So bear with me and just imagine for a moment what would happen if Michalle Obama really did run for president.

Particularly given the current alternatives, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, and I'd wager that tens of millions of other Americans feel the same way.

Despite the fact she has repeatedly said she has no interest in running for president, an online bookmaker, OddsChecker, last week placed her odds of winning the Oval Office in a third-place tie with Haley, just behind Biden and Trump.

So, what do you say Michelle? Won't you change your mind?

Just this once, let's do it for the conspiracy theorists.

Editor Scott Underwood's column appears Tuesdays. Like him on Facebook. Contact him at or 640-4845.