Scottish Government chief told cops she thought she was being followed when caught speeding at 100mph

Paisley Sheriff Court
-Credit: (Image: Paisley Daily Express)

A Scottish Government chief who was caught driving her Mercendes-Benz at 100mph on a busy Renfrewshire road told cops she was driving at the excessive speed because she thought she was being followed.

Anna Halliday – who holds a senior position in the Scottish Government’s directorate of economic development board – avoided a driving ban due to her level of “responsibility”.

Halliday, who also owns a veterinary practice, admitted to carelessly driving her executive Mercedes-Benz on the M8 from Braehead to Paisley before police pulled over in Langbank.

The 50-year-old was snared when she overtook cops in an unmarked police car “at speed” and was tailgating other road users on January 10.

Procurator fiscal depute Ashleigh Pollock told Paisley Sheriff Court: “Around 7.40am on January 10, police were on uniformed patrol in an unmarked vehicle travelling westbound on the M8 near to junction 25 when they were overtaken by the accused at speed.

“Officers noted the accused was driving very close to the vehicle infront of her, not leaving a safe breaking distance.

“Officers continued to observe the accused driving closely to the vehicle in front.

“After passing junction 29, using a calibrated speedometer, officers noted the accused to be driving at 100mph over a distance of 0.4 miles.

“Officers noted the excessive speed to continue and that she was driving very close to the vehicles infront of her.

“The accused’s vehicle was brought to a stop at the roundabout at Langbank.

“She identified herself as the driver and advised officers she thought someone was chasing or following her.

“She was cautioned and charged and made no reply.”

Defence agent Robert Sheridan said that, on January 10, Halliday was travelling to a meeting with a colleague before meeting with the cabinet secretary of wellbeing and economy which was due to take place at Ferguson Marine Yard in Port Glasgow, Inverclyde.

Mr Sheridan explained: “The background here is Dr Halliday had been receiving messages from her ex-partner.

“She had made it clear these were completely unwelcome.

“These were alarming messages and a month prior to this he sent a message stating he would follow her.

“On this day, almost imminently after leaving her house, she became aware of a SUV travelling behind her. It appeared to be tracking her.

“As she reached central Glasgow she lost sight of it. She then attracted attention of the police.

“She became aware of their vehicle, which was also a SUV, and in the hours of darkness she was unable to distinguish any difference.

“She was alarmed, distressed and increased her speed.”

Mr Sheridan told the court Halliday’s licence is “absolutely critical” to her employment as she travels to Holyrood regularly, that she volunteers with the children’s panel and uses her car to transport her children and elderly parents.

The lawyer added: “She earns around £4,000 per month from her employment. Dr Halliday acknowledges she’s done wrong and is in a position to pay a monetary penalty.

“Disqualification is discretionary and I ask you to take into account her previous good character.”

Sheriff Lindsay Kooner slammed Halliday, stating: “This is clearly a significant course of careless driving at the higher end of the scale.”

She added: “As a person travelling to Port Glasgow, you will be acutely aware of the volume of traffic on that road and the danger you posed to drivers.

“I note the significant responsibilities you have and, in one view, a person in that capacity should be aware of the responsibilities that they have on the road and elsewhere.

“In the references provided, it states your licence is described as crucial. It is with considerable persuasion I am persuaded to exercise my discretion and not disqualify you from driving.”

Halliday, of East Grange Lodge, Fife, was fined £640 and ordered to pay this within 28 days.

Nine penalty points were also endorsed on her licence with Sheriff Kooner warning: “It will be abundantly clear now with nine points on your licence, your driving will need to be beyond reproach.”

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