Scottish Government must reverse cuts to housing programme

The woman let her neighbours use her driveway (STOCK IMAGE)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The housing crisis which Scotland is facing is certainly one of the defining issues of our times.

Eight Scottish councils – including our two biggest cities – have so far declared a housing emergency.

These local authorities have not been able to meet demands for affordable accommodation. Far too many children are living in B&Bs and hotels rather than a permanent home of their own.

At the same time, rents are rocketing, particularly in Glasgow and Edinburgh. This puts more and more people at risk of homelessness.

It all stems from a severe lack of social accommodation. The Scottish Government acknowledged there is a problem when it declared a nationwide housing emergency last month.

But this has been completely undermined by the terrible decision to slash the housebuilding budget in December.

They are saying one thing but doing another at the same time. We back the charities which have called on the
Scottish Government to take action to reduce the number of children stuck in temporary accommodation.

John Swinney said he wanted to eradicate child poverty when he became First Minister and he has put it at the heart of the general election campaign.

So he must take action to reduce the untold harm that the housing emergency has had on our children. He and his ministers have a responsibility to Scotland’s young people.

They should start by fully reversing the awful cuts to the housebuilding programme and pledge to publicly fund social homes.

If the Scottish Government does not do this it will be letting our children down.

Shameful Tories

WE all know the Tories are only it for themselves.

But even for them, having candidates under investigation for alleged insider betting on the election date is a bit on the nose.

The fact the Prime Minister hasn’t suspended either of the two prospective MPs now subject to these probes by the Gambling Commission is shocking.

He should condemn and drop both Craig Williams – Tory candidate in Wales and one of Rishi Sunak’s closest aides – and now Laura Saunders, candidate in Bristol North West, without delay. Any party chief with integrity would do so. Not least given Saunders’ husband is the Tories’ director of campaigns, Tony Lee.

What a strange coincidence the people involved in this scandal have such close ties to the PM. Grubby, dodgy, entitled, useless – corrupt. That just about sums up Sunak’s Conservatives.

Luckily, in a fortnight’s time, we get to boot them out of office.

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