Scottish Government survives motion of no confidence after Greens refuse to vote in favour

The Scottish Government has survived a motion of no confidence after Green MSPs refused to vote in favour.

Labour tabled the vote last Friday before Humza Yousaf confirmed he would step down as First Minister on Monday.

MSPs voted 70-58 today against the motion brought by Anas Sarwar - meaning all government ministers can stay in their jobs.

Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said the motion was “chaos for the sake of chaos” as his party voted against it.

A separate motion brought against Yousaf himself was withdrawn earlier this week by the Tories following his resignation announcement.

Moving the vote against the Government today, Sarwar told MSPs: "Now more than ever our country needs credible and effective leadership and stable and competent government to take on the twin crises facing our nation - an economic crisis and an NHS crisis.

"I have no confidence in the SNP’s ability to deliver that and that is why I am bringing this motion to Parliament today.

"And this motion of no confidence in this SNP Government is based on two principal arguments.

"First - it is now clear that the SNP as a political party is so chaotic, divided and dysfunctional, that it can’t deliver competent government and is failing Scots every day.

"I don't believe changing the face at the top is going to change that."

But Yousaf - who will step down as First Minister when his party has chosen a replacement - defended his Government's record.

He told MSPs: "We choose progressive taxation, we choose to launch a ten year just transition fund to support Scotland's drive to net zero - where of course, Labour choose to ditch their £28bn green energy pledge.

"Where Keir Starmer refused for months to call for an immediate ceasefire even failing to condemn the collective punishment of the people of Gaza, I and the government I lead chose to be a voice of peace and humanity in the world."

Harvie said: "This proposal portrays the true motives of others: chaos for the sake of chaos.”

The Greens co-leader added: “Let’s just consider what would happen if it passed; a month to seek another government, then an election around the time that voters around the country were heading off on their summer holidays, a new government formed perhaps by August – leaving just a little more than a year-and-a-half until the legally required dissolution for the 2026 election.”

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