Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross says SNP is 'obsessed' with independence

The Scottish Conservatives launched their manifesto on June 24 in Edinburgh’s Grassmarket as they began their campaign tour leading up to the July 4 general election.

At a press conference attended by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross, the party announced its main objectives including: 1,000 additional GPs to reduce NHS wait lists, more police officers to “crack down” on crime, new oil and gas licenses in the North Sea, increased support for farmers, and to abolish the intermediate rate of income tax in Scotland.

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The Prime Minister urged Scottish voters against supporting Reform UK and the SNP, saying:

“Nigel Farage plays into Putin’s hands” and “If you want to beat the SNP and stand up for the UK, you have to vote Scottish Conservative.”

In an interview with Edinburgh Live and The Edinburgh Reporter, Douglas Ross also highlighted raising educational standards, putting the justice system “on the side of victims rather than the criminals,” and prioritising infrastructure projects.

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Ross urged Edinburgh voters to support the Tories instead of the SNP, which he claims has an “obsession with independence.”

He continued: “The SNP are offering more of the same. They want to continue the bitter division of independence campaigning rather than meeting the challenges that people across Edinburgh are facing.”

On the state of the SNP since John Swinney began as First Minister, Ross stated that Swinney had “continued the same failed approach” backed by previous SNP leaders.

Ross cited the First Minister’s support of Michael Mathieson amid the former Secretary of Health and Social Care's £ 11,000 iPad bill, and the recent “ stamp fiasco.”

He continued: “There is no change with the SNP under John Swinney. They are still mired in controversy and they are still obsessed with independence.”

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