Scunthorpe secondary school 'central to the community it serves' praised by inspectors

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-Credit: (Image: Submitted)

Praise has been heaped on a Scunthorpe secondary school following a statutory inspection.

The St Lawrence Academy on Doncaster Road is “central to the community it serves,” where students and staff “live incredibly well together in a harmonious learning environment”, says the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools’ report.

Headteacher Matt Hire was “incredibly proud” of the report’s findings and felt it an accurate reflection of life at the school, a member of St Lawrence Academies Trust. “The report celebrates the diversity across the school and the church values we live and breathe day-to-day,” he said.

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“I am particularly proud our vision and ethos are recognised. This is a safe space and the heartbeat of the community, where children and adults of all faiths work together daily.”

A party to celebrate the end of the Eid attracted more than 400 students, Muslim and non-Muslim. “It echoed what the school is all about, where students support each other and staff go above and beyond to help the children,” said Mr Hire.

“I have only been here two terms and I already feel part of a school community that makes a difference to the lives of young people; the positives highlighted by the report are a result of consistent work over a period of time.

“The SIAMs report highlights this Academy is not just about academic achievement but its reputation built around what it does beyond the classroom. It’s in the corridors and canteen and what happens here after school, with the charity fundraising, the CCF and Community Café to name just a few of the activities.”

The Church of England Education Office inspector, Kelly Wall, described the school community as “wonderfully diverse”, making it welcoming for all.

“Leaders, including governors, describe students and adults as ‘treasures’,” she reports. “This inspires them to find ways to unlock the gifts and talents of each unique individual.

“The carefully considered values of respect, truth, generosity, forgiveness and justice support the vision to be lived out daily. There is a natural synergy between the visions of the St Lawrence Academies Trust and the school.

“As a result, they work collaboratively to support students to flourish.” The curriculum, driven by the Christian vision, provides a well-rounded educational experience, the report says, with students “well prepared for life beyond school”.

“The vision of ‘transforming communities’ has inspired the establishment of a Combined Cadet Force (CCF) and community café. Students thoroughly embrace the challenging and new opportunities the vibrant and thriving CCF provides.”

The report goes on: “Students are encouraged to bring about positive change. They speak enthusiastically about standing up against injustice.

“They regularly lead litter collections, make donations to the food bank and raise money for the local hospice. As a result, the school really is central to the community it serves.”

Students received “exceptional” pastoral care while wellbeing for all was at the heart of the school. The dedicated nurture provision supports students through challenging times and provides a safe place for them to grow. As a result, lives really are transformed.

“Staff are supported to develop professionally through bespoke development programmes. Consequently, staff retention is high. Relationships at all levels are built upon mutual respect.

“Student peer mentors both model this and support others to achieve it.” Forgiveness and justice were central to the school’s behaviour policy.

“As a result, adults and students live incredibly well together in a harmonious learning environment,” the report adds. St Lawrence Academies Trust Chief Executive Officer Mike Adnitt was delighted by the report.

“I am very proud of the report as it reflects the enormous amount of work over a number of years that has gone into making the Academy the heart of the community,” Mr Adnitt said. Students, staff, governors and the wider community should also be proud of their positive contributions that ensure the academy transform lives.”

The full report can be read at SIAMS Inspection Reports