SDLP councillor to make history on Monday as first ever black Mayor in NI

SDLP councillor Lilian Seenoi-Barr is set to make history on Monday when she becomes the first black Mayor ever in Northern Ireland.

The Derry and Strabane councillor, who became the first black politician ever to be elected in Northern Ireland at last year's local government poll, is set to take on the role of Mayor at the council's annual general meeting on June 3.

Speaking to Belfast Live, the Derry woman said: "It is a big honour for me and I am going to work tirelessly for everyone"

Read more: History made in Northern Ireland as Cllr Lilian Barr selected to become country's first black Mayor

Read more: NI's first black Mayor 'ready' as disgraced conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and David Icke latch on to news

Her selection by the SDLP has been the subject of some controversy, with two councillors who had unsuccessfully pushed for the position now having quit the party to sit in the council as independents - Jason Barr and Shauna Cusack.

The concerns raised by the two unsuccessful councillors over the internal party selection process were later seized upon by far-right conspiracy theorists online, including disgraced figures such as Alex Jones and David Icke.

Mayorships in Northern Ireland's councils are allocated using the d'Hondt system, with places awarded to political parties based on the number of seats won at election time.

Individual councillors are then selected by their parties to take on the ceremonial position at the head of the council.

Sinn Fein, as the largest party in Derry and Strabane with 18 seats, were entitled to three of the four annually-rotating Mayoral positions during the current council term.

The next largest party, the SDLP, were given the remaining Mayorship.

Last year, following the election, Sinn Fein selected veteran councillor Patricia Logue for the role.

In April, the SDLP confirmed it had selected Lilian Seenoi-Barr to be the next Mayor.

At the time, SDLP leader Colum Eastwood had spoken of his pride that Councillor Barr would represent the party as Mayor.

“Since moving to Derry from Kenya, Lilian has embedded herself in the centre of life in our city, getting involved in a range positive initiatives, mostly notably helping others from migrant backgrounds adjust to life in their new home," he said.

"She has become an important community activist, speaking out on behalf of those who are marginalised and at times, struggle to have their voices heard."

Mrs Barr, meanwhile, said: ""Having initially come to Derry as a refugee facing an uncertain future, I can now truly say that my family have found their home. I am proud to be a Maasai woman and a Derry girl.

"The significance of my appointment as Mayor is not lost on me, and I will work for every single person in this city regardless of their religion, ethnicity or background."

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