Sean Spicer Had A Debate Idea For Donald Trump. It Did Not Go Well.

Sean Spicer suggested on Sunday how former President Donald Trump should kick off the first 2024 presidential debate against President Joe Biden, which CNN is hosting in Atlanta on Thursday.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee should start “by yielding his time to Biden with a simple question,” Trump’s first White House press secretary-turned-“Dancing With the Stars” contestant wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

And that question?

“Can you name every member of your cabinet,” wrote Spicer, parroting the right-wing narrative that Biden is in cognitive decline and therefore unfit to return to the White House.

Critics reminded Spicer, who has regularly defended Trump’s lies (including that whopper about the inauguration crowd size), of the criticism Trump has received from former members of his own Cabinet, including his own vice president, Mike Pence.
