Joe Biden 'joked the secret to a happy marriage is good sex'

Joe Biden often talks about his relationship with his wife, Dr Jill Biden
Joe Biden often talks about his relationship with his wife, Dr Jill Biden - AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Joe Biden has reportedly joked to aides that the secret to a long and happy marriage is “good sex”.

The 81-year-old president’s physical frailty has drawn questions about whether he is strong enough to serve a second term, at the end of which he would be 86.

However, according to an upcoming book, Mr Biden has boasted of the energy he puts into his 47-year romance with his wife, the first lady Jill Biden.

According to Katie Rogers, who covers the White House for the New York Times, Mr Biden has regaled his inner circle with marital advice.

Dr Biden has long been known to hold a key role in her husband’s political career.

She has previously recounted how in 2004, when Mr Biden was under pressure to run for the White House, she voiced her opposition by walking into the room wearing nothing but a bikini with “no” written on her stomach.

“That got his attention. I won’t tell you who [else] was sitting in that room, but they got the message,” she told Vogue.

Ms Rogers’ book, American Woman – The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, from Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden, reports that in ruling out a run that year, Mr Biden told a group of supporters: “I’d rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep” than running for office.

‘Totally in love’

The comment drew a shrug from a spokesman at the time who said the then Delaware senator was “frankly totally in love with his wife”, Ms Rogers writes, according to an advance copy seen by Reuters.

“Joe may have tamped down on his public bedroom declarations [in] winning the presidency, but he has joked to aides that good sex is the key to a lasting and happy marriage, much to his wife’s chagrin,” Rogers writes.

The book also delves into the anguish Mr Biden experienced when his first wife, Neilia, died in a 1972 car crash along with their daughter Naomi.

He and Jill married in 1977, but it took five proposals from Mr Biden to get her to agree.

“I’ve been as patient as I know how to be, but this has got my Irish up. Either you decide to marry me or that’s it – I’m out. I’m not asking again,” Mr Biden said on his final attempt, MsRogers writes.