Selfless father and son from Grimsby undertaking gruelling walking challenge after family member diagnosed with rare cancer

-Credit: (Image: Steve Toop)
-Credit: (Image: Steve Toop)

A selfless father and son from Grimsby are gearing up to embark on a charity walking challenge after their close family member was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer.

In September, Steve Toop, 61, and his son Owen will walk around Northampton for 51 miles over a period of four days on the 'Northampton Rounds' route, with all proceeds raised going to the Lymphoma Action UK charity.

It comes after Steve's older sister and Owen's auntie Michele, 68, who lives in the area, was diagnosed with Central Nervous System (CNS) Lymphoma, a rare type of cancer which develops in the brain or spinal cord, in December last year.


Before receiving her diagnosis, Michele was suffering with cold and flu-like symptoms and loss of balance. After conducting a biopsy, doctors discovered that Michele had lymphoma both in her brain and spinal cord. She has now been in hospital near her home in Kettering as an inpatient for several months.

Speaking to Grimsby Live, Steve said: "When Michele was diagnosed, the doctors made us feel comfortable that she was in good hands because we'd never heard of lymphoma before.

"She should've had four bouts of chemotherapy, but on the third bout of chemo she was too unwell to undergo the stem cell transplant which was part of that. The lymphoma has shrunk, but it's still there.

Michele was diagnosed in December last year -Credit:Steve Toop
Michele was diagnosed in December last year -Credit:Steve Toop

"[Doctors] looked at possible radiotherapy, which would slow it down, but she was deemed too unwell for that. She has brain damage and mobility issues, and they deemed if she had radiotherapy, it could cause further brain damage and mobility issues.

"Hospital staff are trying to teach her to walk again to get some mobility. The fear is how aggressive the cancer will get - it's reduced in size - but she has to live with it, and it's the worst one she can get."

Speaking about how Michele's diagnosis has affected the family, Steve said: "It's affected everybody because with hospitals, you expect when you're fixed you come out, but this isn't the case with Michele. CNS lymphoma is very rare and you don't expect it to happen to anyone you know. Michele has battled so much."

Steve and Owen have set up a JustGiving fundraiser with the goal of raising £5,000 for Lymphoma Action.

The description reads: "Radiotherapy can't be offered right now, as a potential to slow down the cancer. So rehabilitation is where we reside at the moment. Still fighting, such determined strength the lady has, she is still there and it's time to share.

"I didn't know people went in to hospital for this length of time. I know from past family history, how much pain a body can take and this girl has taken a lot. Please donate to this cause and raise awareness to this particular form of cancer.

"Myself and my son Owen will be undertaking a walk of 51 miles of the Northampton Rounds, over four days starting on Monday the 2nd of September. On the fifth day we'll add an additional distance to arrive at wherever Michele Hale will be on that date, which will be Friday the 6th of September. Once finalised anyone who wants to join us on the final leg is more than welcome."

You can donate to the fundraiser by clicking here.