How a 'selfless' Manchester United fan, 8, wants to help his friends at school

Harvey Goodman
Harvey Goodman -Credit:Naiomi Goodman/PA

A 'selfless' eight-year-old boy will take on an 80-mile cycling challenge to football clubs across the North West to help his friends at school.

Harvey Goodman wants to raise money for new bike sheds at his school - the Stockton Heath Primary School in Warrington. On May 4, he will cycle from his school to Everton and Liverpool football clubs.

Then, on May 5, the huge Manchester United fan will set off again from Stockton Heath primary to Manchester City's Etihad Stadium followed by Manchester United's stadium Old Trafford. The 'inspiring' youngster said the best part of the challenge is knowing that he'll be helping his friends.

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He will be joined by around 100 people including his mother Naiomi, friends and teachers at his school. The eight-year-old told the PA news agency: "When I heard that some kids couldn't bring their bikes because there's nowhere safe to keep them, I knew I had to do something about it.

"I've been practising riding my bike every day to get ready for the challenge. The best part about this challenge is knowing that I'm helping my friends at school.

"When they see the new bike sheds, they'll be so happy! It feels really good to make a difference."

Harvey will cycle to Old Trafford and the Etihad
Harvey will cycle to Old Trafford and the Etihad -Credit:Naiomi Goodman/PA

Ms Goodman, 30, a sales director, added: "We normally cycle to school anyway and knowing that the school need money to build more bike sheds, Harvey wanted to help make sure a lot more can cycle to school as well.

"If we hit our target of £5,000, then around 40 more children can cycle to school."

She said the idea behind the football club ride came from the fact that Harvey and his friends are all football lovers and support the teams they are to cycle to. "We were just trying to cover all bases so that when he put the invite out to the school, more people would join us," she added.

Harvey has taken on several challenges in the past, including a walk from Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool to Old Trafford from April 1 to April 2, 2023. He did this for his cousin Zak, nine, who has an aggressive form of cancer and has spent time there on-and-off over the years.

Spencer Bower, 8, Harvey Goodman, 8 and Freddie Cosgrove-Cousins, 7
Spencer Bower, 8, Harvey Goodman, 8 and Freddie Cosgrove-Cousins, 7 -Credit:Naiomi Goodman/PA

Zak, whose surname the family did not want to disclose, may join Harvey for his latest adventure. "After the last fundraiser, Zak went into remission and was planning on doing the bike ride with us however, unfortunately, the cancer has come back," Ms Goodman said.

"He's now back in Alder Hey and he's having chemotherapy again, but he's doing well, he's fighting, and hopefully he can join us for a little bit of the bike ride."

Harvey said he would be 'really happy and excited' if Zak can join. Harvey will wear a custom-made Manchester United top with the words Harvey 2 Old Trafford on it for the challenge.

Both Ms Goodman and Harvey said they hope football players will lend their support to the cause. Harvey said he will be having a 'big party' at the finish line.

Ms Goodman added: "We've got about 100 people meeting us at the finish line. Sammy McIlroy who used to play for United will come and meet us at the finish line again and potentially some other stars."

Harvey, eight, on his bike
Harvey, eight, on his bike -Credit:Copyright remains with handout provider

Harvey has done several practice cycles alongside family and friends at locations including the Trans Pennine Trail towards Liverpool. "I've been exploring new places on my bike during practice rides", Harvey said.

"It's like going on mini adventures every day. I like riding with my friends and pretending we're on a big bike race. We cheer each other on and have a great time."

Ms Goodman added: "Just over the Easter holidays, he's cycled 180 miles, so he's definitely put the work in and his little legs are ready now."

The youngster said he would advise other youngsters who would like to take on fundraising challenges to 'stay positive, even when things get tough'. "Remember why you started and keep going no matter what," he added.

Pascale Harvie, president and general manager of JustGiving, said: "Harvey is such an inspiring and selfless young boy. At just eight years of age, Harvey has already raised over £35,000 through his charitable work and is now ready to take on his third gruelling challenge."

"From everyone at JustGiving we wish Harvey the very best of luck in his incredible 80-mile cycle."

Harvey's fundraising page can be found at

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