Seven changes you must tell DVLA or face £1,000 fine and licence points

In addition to potential fines and points on their licence, drivers could face prosecution if they fail to disclose relevant changes and are subsequently involved in an accident. Motorists are required to inform the DVLA of seven critical updates to avoid severe penalties and points against their driving record.

Motoring experts at SimplyQuote have detailed the consequences drivers might encounter if they neglect to declare certain details as the registered vehicle keeper. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in the UK requires notification of various important updates, such as common medical conditions and changes in address or name.

The repercussions for failing to comply are severe, potentially costing drivers up to £1,000 and adding six points to their licence. Additionally, if a driver is involved in an accident without having reported the necessary information, they could face prosecution.

In addition to notifying the DVLA, not updating your insurance provider with all necessary information could render your policy invalid, resulting in significant repercussions. Motorists must ensure that the UK’s Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency is kept informed of any changes.

Car owners are obligated to inform the DVLA of certain details and failing to do so could lead to substantial fines or even legal action. It might seem trivial to overlook things like a change of address, but doing so can lead to serious financial consequences. The registered keeper of a vehicle bears the responsibility for communications with the police, the DVLA and their insurance provider.

Disclose driver details or face penalties

Any individual registered by the DVLA as the owner of a vehicle implicated in an offence will be charged with failing to disclose driver details if they do not identify the driver at the time of the offence. The consequence for this failure includes receiving six points on the licence and a potential fine of up to £1,000.

Notification of eyesight changes required

Drivers are required to notify the DVLA of any deterioration in their eyesight or if they suffer from visual impairments such as cataracts or glaucoma. According to DVLA regulations, drivers must be capable of reading a number plate from 20 metres, assistance from glasses or contact lenses is permissible, but these must be worn at all times while driving.

Regrettably, failing to meet the minimum eyesight requirements could result in a fine of up to £1,000 and three penalty points on their licence if they are found driving. Furthermore, drivers with inadequate vision may have their licences immediately revoked by the police if deemed a hazard on the road.

Disclosure of medical conditions is essential

Failing to report a medical condition could lead to a fine of up to £1,000 and drivers involved in accidents risk prosecution. The DVLA maintains a comprehensive list of more than 110 conditions that could impair driving abilities, which some motorists may not be fully aware of.

Common conditions requiring disclosure include diabetes, vertigo and sleep apnoea, among others listed on the DVLA website. In severe cases, the DVLA mandates that drivers must surrender their licence if they do not meet the necessary driving standards.

Reporting name or gender changes

Drivers who do not notify the DVLA of a legal change in name or gender could face a £1,000 fine. It's particularly important for newlyweds to be aware that neglecting to inform the DVLA constitutes a legal violation, even though the process itself is free. To ensure compliance, drivers should return their old licence along with any relevant supporting documents, so that both their driving licence and vehicle registration are updated accurately.

Declaring a vehicle off-road with SORN

All vehicles must be insured and taxed unless the owner applies for a Statutory Off-Road Notice (SORN) when a car is not in use. Vehicle keepers planning to put their car off the road for an extended period must declare it as SORN to avoid unnecessary taxation.

Once declared SORN, the vehicle must not be used and should be stored on private property, such as a driveway or garage; keeping it on a public road is illegal. If a SORN vehicle is driven for any reason other than travelling to a pre-arranged MOT or testing appointment, the owner risks prosecution and a fine of up to £2,500.

Vehicle modifications

Drivers are required to register significant modifications to their vehicle with the DVLA, updating their V5C registration and providing necessary evidence. Modifications that must be reported include changes to the chassis or body shell, alterations to the exhaust system or number plate, or if the vehicle has been wrapped in a different colour.

The DVLA may request an inspection of the vehicle to verify its roadworthiness following these changes. If it is necessary to conduct tests and the vehicle fails, it may be prohibited from being used on the roads until corrective actions are taken. Additionally, owners may face fines or even a court summons if the modifications do not meet regulatory standards.

Updating address changes with the DVLA

It is essential for drivers to inform the DVLA of any address changes, temporary or permanent, to ensure that all correspondence reaches the vehicle owner. Both the vehicle logbook and driving licence need to be current, and address updates can be conveniently made online. Failing to notify the DVLA of an address change can result in a fine of up to £1,000 for the vehicle owner.