What We Do in the Shadows star lands role in Minecraft movie

matt berry
Matt Berry lands role in Minecraft movieIona Wolff - Getty Images

What We Do in the Shadows favourite Matt Berry has been cast alongside Jason Momoa in Minecraft.

News of the comedic actor's involvement arrives via Empire Magazine, with Berry onboard in an unspecified role. Jared Hess of Napoleon Dynamite is on directing duties, but the plot remains under lock and key for now.

Launched in 2009, video game Minecraft allows players to create and mould an entire world made solely from blocks, with the option to either battle or live alongside fellow gamers.

matt berry
Iona Wolff - Getty Images

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This adaptation is the latest in a long line of scrapped efforts; the one prior being in the hands of director Peter Sollett (Metal Lords).

A blog post on the official Minecraft website read in 2019: "We'll tell you the story of a teenage girl and her unlikely group of adventurers. After the malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, they must save their beautiful, blocky Overworld. Sounds ambitious!

"Luckily, the very talented director Peter Sollett (Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist) will be making sure everyone stands in the right place and delivers award-worthy performances. No pressure!"

Will Hess and his team follow that storyline?

In other Momoa news, just last month, he confessed that the popularity of his most famous role was a massive surprise to him.

jason momoa smiles on the red carpet at a movie premiere
Mike Marsland - Getty Images

Related: Jason Momoa's Minecraft movie lands release date

"To be perfectly honest, I was absolutely baffled that Aquaman was received so well," he said. "I've done things that are amazing that no one sees and no one gives a sh*t about. You just don't know in this business.

"I don't do things and think, 'Oh, I'm gonna get $1 billion on this one'. I go in and do my best job."

What We Do in the Shadows airs on FX and Hulu in the US, where it will return for season 5 from July 13. The show streams on Disney+ in the UK. Minecraft is due to be released on April 4, 2025.

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