Sharon Osbourne issues update on Ozzy return to UK and says 'still trying'

Sharon Osbourne has revealed she is still trying to convince her husband to return to the UK - but she hasn't got there yet. Birmingham-born Ozzy Osbourne has been unwell recently and wife Sharon has raised returning to the UK

The plan appears to be the rock in the road, though. The BBC wants to put out a 10-episode reality show showcasing the Black Sabbath legend's return, dubbed Home to Roost.

It's set to dish out the juicy details of their departure from LA to start afresh on English soil. However, it wouldn't be Birmingham they'd come back to - Ozzy, aged 75, would be heading to Buckinghamshire.

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However, told US podcast Howie Mandel Does Stuff Ozzy was less than keen. She said: "I wanted to reverse it; to spend more time in England and come here (to LA) and visit, like on birthdays, holidays and stuff like that. And I have been trying to get Ozzy to get out of the house and come to England. I am still trying."

When ace comedian and podcast maestro Howie quizzed if Ozzy was baulking at leaving the nest, she clapped back with: "He does, yeah. But not a lot. Not a lot. He is having a little bit of a tough time. Getting old and not being well sucks."

Ozzy, having wrestled Parkinson's since 2003 and fresh off his fourth spinal surgery as of September 2023, has been laser-focused on buffing up his health and walking tall.

Since January 2023, the BBC crew's been shadowing the family's every move, with top brass swearing they'll make the jump to UK turf later this year. However, whispers from sources close to the Osbournes hint at Ozzy's gaze being set elsewhere.

They remarked: "Ozzy wants to be able to attend the Ohio ceremony for his Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame solo career induction in October. He is building up his stamina, strength and balance to get out on the stage."

"That is his big project currently and involves working in LA with his band and physios."

"Obviously, given how personal and challenging it is to Ozzy, there are some aspects of his rehab that the cameras are blocked from."

Ozzy and Sharon have five grandkids together in Los Angeles: son Jack, 38, has four girls and daughter Kelly, 39, has a baby son.

The insider added: "Ozzy has been quite clear he loves being in LA close to his grandkids and music pals, and that he is unsure about the whole England return. It is obviously a massive stumbling block for the TV series."

The Osbournes reality TV show was a smash hit in the early noughties.