This Man's List of Reasons Why His Wife Cries Has Gone Viral


Crying, it is often said, is actually very good for you.

One person who has taken that advice to heart is Lex, 31-year-old beauty blogger, who apparently doesn’t need very much at all to set her off.

Her husband Aaron Gillies, 28, a London-based comedian, has shared a hilarious list of all things that make her cry.

Including “She was hungover and saw a picture of a piglet” and “She watched a video about a dog,” the list has gone viral.

The tweet has over 44,000 likes and over 27,000 retweets, and has inspired people to share their own unusual reasons for crying.

The comedian – who goes by TechnicallyRon on social media – posted the list on Imgur and Twitter and said: “My wife cries at absolutely anything. I mean, ANYTHING.”


Aaron Gillies shared the list on Twitter on Imgur (TechnicallyRon)

Some of the inclusions are brilliantly funny, such as “She found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice.“

Fans of cute animal viral videos and gripping nature documentaries will sympathise with such entries as “The fluffy bunny escaped from an arctic fox in a documentary.”

While most post people’s response was to share similarly daft things that had set them off, others were a little ruder.

“According to internet strangers, my tendency to cry means: I’m depressed,
I’m pregnant, Aaron is abusing me, Orrrrrr I just cry a lot?” Lex tweeted.

Both have been surprised by just how popular the list has become. Lex joked on Twitter: “Okay the ‘reasons I’m crying’ is still everywhere. I’m off work ill, so I’m going to hide in bed until my notifications stop.”


The full list is:

“She found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice.”
“She was hungover and saw a picture of a piglet.”
“I waited until it was dark and pretended to be The Babadook.”
“The fluffy bunny escaped from an arctic fox in a documentary.”
“There were no biscuits in the house.”
“She remembered swans can be gay.”
“I tried to hold her hand when she wasn’t expecting it.”
“I cooked her dinner after a long day.”
“She watched a video about a dog.”

(Credit: Flickr/USDA)