Shell-shocked former SNP MP doesn't have 'anything' to say after Ayrshire defeat

Patricia Gibson after being re-elected in 2019
-Credit: (Image: Irvine Herald)

Deposed SNP MP Patricia Gibson took defeat firmly on the chin following Thursday’s decisive election defeat at the hands of Labour.

Following three successive wins in North Ayrshire and Arran, she came up against an unstoppable Labour juggernaut on what was a very poor night for her party, with Irene Campbell set to take her place in the House of Commons.

Speaking as she exited stage left, Patricia said: “I don’t particularly have anything to say.

“Tomorrow is another day. The people have spoken.”

Tory candidate and North Coast councillor Todd Ferguson will now be looking to work with the newly-elected MP.

He said: “We ran a good, positive local campaign and did the best we could. I would like to thank all my helpers and family and friends and everyone who voted for me.

"It wasn’t our night and doesn't seem to have been our night across the whole UK.

“It has been a good strong message for the Union and hopefully Labour will keep their values true to keep the United Kingdom together and start to get this country moving forward in the right direction.

“I will be asking Irene Campbell to help get more investment into the local authority.

"I am getting back to my job as a councillor although I haven't stopped throughout this campaign and am looking forward to getting back to represent my constituents.”

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