Shenzhen Locked Down in Bid to Curtail COVID Spike, Impacts Apple Factory

A city-wide lockdown in Shenzhen, China, could cause global supply chain disruption, reports said, as factories in the southern tech hub suspended operations on March 14.

Footage from the city’s Weibo shows citizens in Shenzhen lining up for COVID tests as white-clad workers place barricades within the city.

Shenzhen officials announced the lockdown in the city via a press conference on March 13. The measures introduced included daily testing for residents in high-risk areas, the closure of indoor dining and non-essential retail, and asking residents to work from home.

On Monday, the South China Morning Post reported that Apple supplier Foxconn had suspended operations at its factories in Shenzhen, which could potentially impact global supply chains.

According to the Global Times, the city’s lockdown will last until March 20. Shenzhen recorded 66 local COVID-19 infections on March 13. Credit: Shenzhen Weibo via Storyful

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