Shoppers stunned to discover Amazon's 'real name' after 30 years

-Credit:(Image: PA)

The online retail behemoth Amazon is recognised globally as the go-to internet marketplace for a vast array of products, from books to beauty items, and has even expanded into video streaming.

Yet, few are aware that when Jeff Bezos, now a billionaire, launched the company three decades ago with his then-wife Mackenzie Bezos, they brainstormed numerous potential names for their nascent online bookshop.

The name Amazon wasn't always set in stone; initially, the business was to be called Relentless. The domain was purchased by the couple and intriguingly, it still redirects users to Amazon's website today.

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They didn't stop there;,,, and were also acquired, with the first three continuing to lead to Amazon, reports the Express.

Another contender for the company's name was, chosen with the intention that the double 'A' would secure a top spot in alphabetical listings, though this domain now leads elsewhere.

Ultimately, Bezos settled on the name Amazon, inspired not by the rainforest but by the river, famously remarking: "This is not only the largest river in the world, it's many times larger than the next biggest river. It blows all other rivers away."

Decades later, people on Reddit are still uncovering the story behind Amazon's initial choice of the name Relentless. @aeroartist said: "TIL [today I learned] that redirects to Amazon. Bezos wanted to name his company Relentless but friends suggested it sounded 'sinister.' He's had the URL since '94."