Shopping centre and 109 flats will 'ruin' Surrey village as 1,300 people object to plans

Hersham Centre CGI proposal
Hersham Centre CGI proposal -Credit:Quadrant Developer in Elmbridge Council documents

Nearly 1,300 North Surrey residents have objected to controversial shopping centre plans, claiming it will “ruin” the village. After nearly two years of extensive campaigning from the Save Hersham Centre group, residents have had their last say on the development.

The contentious plans for 109 'later living' flats, would see the Hersham Centre losing five independent store units with the creation two residential blocks of up to six storeys. Investment in the shopping centre is necessary to comply with new energy standards and retail legislation.

James Woodburn, campaigner and resident, said the development would “rip the heart out of Hersham forever and it would be irreversible”. He said: “There is so much at stake. This is win or lose for us."

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He believes the “strength of feeling in Hersham” is “unprecedented”, and said having so much support was "humbling" and "proved they were on the moral high ground". Citing the ‘Save Hersham Centre’ cause as the ‘driving force’ behind the objections, James said its success was due to “honest, straight-forward and non-political” campaigning.

Rejecting any criticisms of NIMBY-ism (Not In My Back Yard), he added: “There are 1,300 people and rising [objecting to the plans]...locals don’t [normally] do this.” Around 80% of Hersham businesses signed a block objection which was handed in on Friday, April 26, the final day people could comment on the application, James said.

What do you think about the plans for Hersham? Join the conversation with other Surrey readers here.

Lego model of proposed development
Lego model of proposed development -Credit:Save Hersham Centre Campaigners

Objections against the proposal include there being “not enough parking” which would impact access to the shops, the GP surgery, Burhill Primary School and the green. Concerns were also raised that traffic will have a “detrimental effect on the safety of school children”.

Locals could see a reduction of 96 car parking bays from the current 270 which includes both Waitrose customers and staff car park as well as the council-run New Berry Lane site. Only 128 parking spaces will be available for visitors and residents to the shopping centre and Hersham.

More than 2,600 people have signed a petition to ‘save Hersham car park’. Issues such as lack of free parking was cited, harming access to schools and GPs, turning away customers and “likely to cause degeneration to Hersham”.

Planning documents from developers Quadrant show the proposed number of parking spaces for the shops meets planning policy and transport guidelines and the proposals also included cycle parking for sustainable travel.

Built in 1985, residents agree the shopping centre should be upgraded and Hersham “needs to be improved”. However, campaigners claim the village has not been asked “what they want” and have been merely presented with the developers’ plans.

Artist's impression of the plans drawn by Save Hersham Centre Campaigners' architect from an affected garden
Artist's impression of the plans drawn by Save Hersham Centre Campaigners' architect from an affected garden -Credit:Save Hersham Centre Campaigners

A Quadrant spokesperson said: “The proposals reflect our engagement and have been revised significantly in response to feedback from two public consultations and dialogue with interest groups. We want to preserve the centre for the community by investing £6m to modernise the retail space in compliance with new energy efficiency standards that come into force in 2027. Without the improvements the units will not be legal to let, and the shops will close.

"This investment is not viable without the wider proposals. The future success of the centre depends on having sufficient car parking and we are proposing enough spaces to meet retailer requirements and planning policy guidelines.”

‘Smacks of dishonesty’

Save Hersham Centre campaigners claim the council-run New Berry Lane car park, with 44 spaces, is at the centre of the plans. The proposal uses the council-owned car park and the demolition of four retail units to make up the 128 parking spaces.

Dominic Raab, MP for Esher and Walton, has written to Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) Leader criticising the council for a "serious maladministration, exacerbated by a lack of transparency that smacks of dishonesty".

Dominic Raab has sent a letter to Elmbridge Borough Council Leader. (Credit Save Hersham Centre)
Dominic Raab MP's letter to Elmbridge Council leader -Credit:Save Hersham Centre Campaigners

Mr Raab's letter said: “Montagu Evans – advisors to the developer – briefing note to EBC officers (February 2023) says officers have recommended that New Berry Lane car park is included in the scheme to assist with providing sufficient parking and to improve school pick up/drop off for Burhill Primary School.

“However, publicly, EBC Head of Asset Management stated: “We have been clear with the developer that we will not be engaging on this matter unless planning consent is secured”.

In a scathing letter, the MP said the leader of the council is “duty bound” to give residents “some honesty” in EBC’s role in New Berry Lane car park ending up in the proposal. He added there is no “legal reason” for the council to withhold its position.

He signed off his letter with: “I call on you to immediately set out your position on the very basic question: will Elmbridge Borough Council consent to the use of New Berry Lane Car Park under the proposals?"

EBC has been contacted for comment.

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