Shropshire 2024 general election candidates

Old Market Hall in Shrewsbury
-Credit: (Image: Darren Quinton/Birmingham Live)

The Liberal Democrats got hold of a part of Shropshire in a by-election - and are desperate to keep hold of it. It was a first change for the constituency in its current guise, which had always previously been held by a Conservative.

It was Owen Patterson's seat before he stood down and is currently in the hands of Lib Dem Helen Morgan. In the 2021 by-election, she heaped pressure on the Prime Minister by winning by nearly 6,000 votes.

While Labour are targeting the Tories up and down the country, Electoral Calculus thinks the Liberal Democrats will hang on here. It comes amidst a tough time for Rishi Sunak's party which is predicted to lose despite an 80-seat majority in 2019.

That will also be battlegrounds in Shrewsbury and South Shropshire.

North Shropshire

  • Baynes, Simon – Conservative

  • Cladingbowl, Samuel – Independent

  • Emery, Craig – Green Party

  • Morgan, Helen – Liberal Democrat

  • Rowley, Natalie – Labour

  • Whittle, Mark – Reform UK


  • Applegate, Victor – Reform UK

  • Bovill, Chris – English Democrats

  • Buckley, Julia – Labour

  • Dean, Julian – Green Party

  • Gollins, James – Independent

  • Kawczysnki, Daniel – Conservative

  • Wagner, Alex – Liberal Democrat

South Shropshire

  • Anderson, Stuart – Conservative

  • Green, Matthew – Liberal Democrat

  • Shackerley-Bennett, Charles – Reform UK

  • Thomson, Simon – Labour

  • Wendt, Hilary – Green Party