Sick paedophile 'deviant dude' snared by undercover cop trying to communicate with 13-year-old girl

Andrew Ingram
-Credit: (Image: Northumbria Police)

A paedophile was snared by an undercover cop while engaging in sexual communication with who he thought was a 13-year-old girl.

Andrew Ingram believed he had been chatting to a teenage girl called Amelia from London but it was in fact an undercover police officer from the Metropolitan Police. Newcastle Crown Court heard how the 51-year-old, who was from the North East, engaged in sexual conversations with the decoy on Kik Messenger and Snapchat and asked her to send him naked pictures.

He also asked her to send him videos of her in the shower and a video of her performing a sexual act with an electric toothbrush. Laura Miller, prosecuting, told the court in Newcastle how Ingram's profile name was 'deviant dude 73' and his picture depicted what appeared to be a wooden bondage cross. She said the conversation began when he sent Amelia a message in August 2022.

The prosecutor said that, after finding out the girl was 13, he asked her if she liked older men. He then told her that he had been to see a friend for some fun, which he explained was sex.

She said that he went on to ask Amelia whether she had a boyfriend and if she had had sex before. He asked her to send a naked picture of herself and said he would send one back, but she said she wasn't ready to send naked pictures.

Ms Miller said Ingram then told her that he had enhanced his Kik application and asked her to send another selfie to see what happens. She said: "He accepted he was simply trying to get more photos from Amelia by saying he had enhanced Kik."

The court heard how Ingram told Amelia that he liked DIY, building kinky sex toys and driving his sports car. He also sent her pictures of some of the sex toys.

He asked her if she would spend the night with him if he came down to London and asked what she would like to do. He told her: "Oh well, I'm sure I can think of something. I don't think you would need many clothes though."

Ingram asked Amelia 'Have you had sex before?' When she said no, he replied "That's so hot". He then told her how to perform a sex act on herself and told her to take a video so he could see if she was doing it correctly.

When she told him she had to take a shower, he responded by saying: "That I would love to watch". He told Amelia that he was going to a BDSM dungeon and asked her if she had looked at the pornographic website that he had told her about. He also suggested that he could buy her sexy underwear.

Ms Miller said: "Dude told Amelia that he would love to see her in her uniform and told her that she was beautiful. Dude asked Amelia for a picture of her breasts. Dude told Amelia that he was chilling in his hot tub and he loved jumping in naked. He started it's a shame that she was not closer to enjoy it and asked if she would go in there naked. He stated he wanted her to.

"During that conversation, Dude told Amelia to have a good day at school. She stated she had PE in the morning. He sent 'Wonder what you look like in your PE or gym kit' and an emoji."

The court heard how he went on to ask Amelia to send him a picture of her in her underwear and if she had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. When she stated that she was not into girls, he replied: "There's plenty of time".

Ms Miller said police arrested Ingram and searched his premises in February last year. They seized two mobile phones and a sim card and found indecent images of children. They were category A images - the most serious - and category B images and involved children as young as four or five.

When interviewed by officers, Ingram admitted being in a Kik group and speaking to Amelia. He accepted the communications read to him, describing his behaviour as "stupid".

Ms Miller said: "He accepted having a sexual interest in children and said he prefers girls 13 and onwards. When asked if he would have met Amelia, he said 'probably but she lived in London and it's too far'.

She said if he would have met Amelia if she was in Newcastle, he said "probably yes". He accepted that he had probably carried out a sex act over the images discovered.

Ingram, of Brewster Road, Boston, Lincolnshire, pleaded guilty to attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity, attempting sexual communication with a child and three counts of possessing incident images of children.

Jamie Adams, defending, told the court that Ingram has been open with the police and the probation service. He said he was a man of good character, he had no history of offending and had always worked throughout his life.

Mr Adams said he was dealing with the break down of a relationship and his dad has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He said he was getting drunk a lot and fantasising in a way that he did with adult porn.

He said: "He's not denying anything at all and admitting to everything that's being asked. He would like to work with probation and engage and to accept and receive their help."

Mr Adams said Ingram was in a new relationship and his partner had accepted the situation with some difficulty. He added: "The fact that she's prepared to stand by him also says something about him and that he's probably capable of rehabilitation in the community."

Judge Robert Adams told Ingram that he quickly turned the conversation sexual. He said: "You send a naked picture of yourself, requesting naked pictures of that child."

He said Ingram also lay the grounds with which to meet up with her, if it was possible. He said: "You were very frank with the police and, once arrested on these matters, that had it not been for a question of distance you may have attempted to meet up with her."

The judge sentenced Ingram to 32 months in prison and ordered him to abide by a sexual harm prevention order for life. The two mobile phones and the sim card, which were seized by police, will be destroyed.