'Sick' vegan family send neighbours threatening note over BBQ

A vegan family has escalated their neighbourhood feud by sending a second threatening letter to their neighbour over the smell of barbecued meat, after their initial complaint was shrugged off.

The row has sparked fierce debate online, with some siding with the family's "reasonable" plea, while others urge the neighbours to fire up another barbecue in defiance, insisting that no one should control what you do in your own backyard. Ignored after their first attempt at diplomacy, the plant-based diet adherents issued a "last warning".

In their original message, penned by 'Sarah, Wayne and kids', they implored: "Hello neighbour, could you please shut your side window when cooking please? My family are vegan (we eat only plant-based foods) and the smell of the meat you cook makes us feel sick and upset. We would appreciate your understanding."


But their appeal was met with silence. The follow-up note saw a marked change in tone from the frustrated family. They slammed their neighbour for 'taking the mickey' and being 'downright rude'.

The writer also suggested that their neighbour deliberately aimed to upset them, saying: "I raised my concerns of the smell of meat making my family feel sick and upset and you go and have a barbecue on Saturday night inviting lots of people, and you knew this would affect me and my family."

The family was shocked to discover that their letter had been circulated online, reports the Mirror. "My friend Tina told me you took my letter to social media and it backfired on you which is 'just desserts'."

The letter ended with a final request: "Please no more BBQs and please keep that window closed when cooking otherwise I'm going to report you and go to social media too."

Despite this, the letter found its way onto the internet once again, sparking a fresh round of debate. One individual expressed disbelief, commenting, "This is unbelievable, they want to tell you how to live in your own home,".

Another person remarked: "They are both in the wrong! ! It's such a shame that this is our society now no commUNITY! ! #1 If you're asking someone to shut their window just shut your bloody own... #2 You can't tell another person how to live their lives or what to do, you make the changes for yourself. #3 If your neighbour has asked you something kindly that you don't agree with address it respectfully like an adult."