Bowel cancer symptoms, screenings and treatment – a complete guide
While bowel cancer – or colorectal cancer – has traditionally been more common in people over the age of 50, cases in the under 50s are now rising in England faster than most other countries. Experts predict that our unhealthy lifestyles and diet are behind the drive in bowel cancer cases in younger people. Rates have been increasing by an average of 3.6 per cent per year – between 2007 and 2017 in England – the fourth fastest globally over the decade, according to a global analysis by the American Cancer Society.
Obesity is one of the major factors contributing to the rise in UK death rates from bowel cancer in people aged 25-49 years, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of Milan. And death rates are on course to rise by a third this year – an alarming reminder to take up any offers of bowel cancer screening and treat any symptoms seriously.
Yet having bowel cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. “If you receive a diagnosis, do not lose heart, because so much progress has been made. We are so much better at achieving a cure, even in people with advanced cancer now, than we were even 10 years ago,” says Dr James Good, a clinical oncologist and the clinical director of SABR and MRI-guided radiotherapy at GenesisCare.
How common is bowel cancer?
“Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK and comprises three different types,” says Dr Adam Haycock, a consultant gastroenterologist at OneWelbeck. Bowel cancer is often referred to as colorectal cancer. “When we say colorectal cancer, we mainly mean cancer of the colon, which is the large intestine, but it also includes rectal cancer and anal cancer. Between the three of those, it’s the fourth most common cancer in the UK”.
Around 268,000 people living in the UK today have been diagnosed with bowel cancer. More than nine out of 10 new cases (94 per cent) are diagnosed in people over the age of 50. But more than 2,600 new cases are diagnosed in people under the age of 50 every year and the numbers are increasing.
According to Bowel Cancer UK, one in 15 men and one in 18 women will be diagnosed with bowel cancer during their lifetime. Research also forecasts that bowel cancer death rates will rise in women of all ages in the UK.
Bowel cancer symptoms in adults
The symptoms include:
A change in bowel habits for six weeks or more
Constipation or diarrhoea
Bleeding from the back passage
Pain and bloating
Extreme tiredness
Being able to feel a mass in your tummy.
“Look out for a persistent change in bowel habits, particularly the bowel becoming looser, which some people find counterintuitive, thinking cancer will cause constipation, but actually it’s the other way round,” says Dr Good. “A looser bowel habit that persists is something that should prompt a request for help, along with weight loss, persistent abdominal pain and blood in your faeces,” he says.
“Often people can’t bear to go and see their GP to say they’re passing blood or have bloating. The stigma and embarrassment are a real issue and we don’t talk about things like bowel movements – but we need to,” says Lynn Dunn, the CEO of Bowel Research UK.
Bowel cancer symptoms in women
The symptoms are the same for everyone, regardless of gender. However, in the case of unexplained anaemia, this can sometimes be dismissed as menstrual blood loss when it’s picked up by blood tests.
“Some women have a very heavy period, and some don’t. Depending on how bad their anaemia is, they may get given iron tablets, when in fact it’s cancer,” says Prof Jamie Murphy, a consultant colorectal surgeon at Cleveland Clinic London.
Why bowel cancer symptoms get missed in young adults
The symptoms of bowel cancer are the same whatever your age, but may not be recognised as such. “Younger people may dismiss those symptoms, because they think they’re too young to get bowel cancer,” says Dunn.
In fact, young adults may have bowel cancer for some time before seeking help with their symptoms. “Surprisingly, in this country, 20 per cent of people are diagnosed with bowel cancer in A&E,” says Prof Murphy. “They get rushed in with some kind of emergency complication associated with cancer, whether it’s a blockage or perforation of the bowel. And that’s when it’s broken to them that this problem that’s brought them into the emergency department is underlying cancer.”
Alarmingly, young people experiencing abdominal pain may dismiss their symptoms as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). “Patients are sometimes getting pain caused by the cancer narrowing the bowel. Because they’re so young, statistically their pain is likely to be IBS, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible that it’s cancer.”
The causes of bowel cancer
It is estimated that 11 out of 100 colorectal cancers (11 per cent) in the UK are linked to being overweight or obese. These conditions have become more of an issue in modern lifestyles and that contributes to the development of bowel cancer.
“Obesity causes abnormal growth hormone signalling in the body, as well as inflammation and gut dysbiosis. And these three things can act synergistically to increase the risk of bowel cancer, which is fundamentally a disease of abnormal tissue growth,” says Dr Good. Diets high in processed foods contribute further to this.
Other factors are:
Lack of exercise
Eating too little fibre
Eating too much red and processed meat – around 13 per cent of bowel cancer cases are linked to these meats
Family members who have had bowel cancer
Excessive alcohol
Having diabetes
Knowing about your family’s history of bowel cancer is advisable, especially if a close relative has had the disease. “10 to 15 per cent of bowel cancers are inherited,” says Prof Murphy.
What age should I start to test for bowel cancer?
If you have any of the signs or symptoms, get yourself checked out. Sophia Lowes, a senior cancer intelligence manager at Cancer Research UK, says: “No matter how young or old you are, if you notice any changes that are not normal for you, or something that won’t go away, don’t ignore it, speak to your doctor. In most cases it won’t be cancer, but if it is, spotting it early can make a real difference.”
What tests are there for bowel cancer?
Tests your GP might do include a:
FIT (faecal immunochemical test) that looks for tiny traces of blood in a sample of faeces
Examination of your rectum and abdomen
Blood tests to check your general health, including how well your liver and kidneys are working and whether you’re anaemic.
Your GP may also ask you for another sample of poo to check for inflammation in the bowel. This test is called Faecal Calprotectin.
Depending on the results of your examination and FIT, your GP might refer you to a specialist at a lower gastrointestinal (lower GI) clinic.
Specialists tests there might include:
A colonoscopy, which looks at the whole of the inside of your large bowel using a flexible tube called a colonoscope
A flexible sigmoidoscopy which only looks inside the rectum and lower part of your bowel
A colon capsule endoscopy which looks at the inside of your large bowel (colon) using a capsule that you swallow which has a small wireless camera that sends pictures of the inside of your bowel to a data recorder.
An alternative test is a CT colonography, which tends to be used for people who are frailer, and this involves carbon dioxide being pumped into the bowel via a small tube in the rectum, enabling a scan to be taken.
“The gold standard test for bowel cancer is a colonoscopy,” says Prof Murphy. This is when an endoscope, a flexible tube with a lighted camera on the end, is inserted through the anus and rectum into your colon, sending pictures of the inside of your large intestine to a screen.
Some people have sedation for this.
“If a tumour is seen at colonoscopy, they’ll take a biopsy of that and arrange for you to have a CT scan or an MRI scan, depending on where the problem is. Your tests are then reviewed at weekly team meetings so the best form of treatment can be recommended:
Options might be: “Going straight to surgery, or chemotherapy first, or radiotherapy – depending on what’s found,” says Dr Good.
Bowel cancer screening: the home FIT or ‘poo in the post’
Bowel cancer screening is offered every two years to men and women in the UK aged 60 to 74, and people older than this can request screening kits every two years. In Scotland, screening starts from age 50, and in Wales between 51 and 74.
A test kit called a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) is provided, allowing for a sample to be sent to a lab.
The purpose of a FIT – also known as ‘poo in the post’ – is to collect a small sample of faeces and send it to a lab. This is checked for tiny amounts of blood which can be a sign of polyps or bowel cancer. Polyps are growths in the bowel that aren’t cancerous but may turn into cancer over time. If a FIT test shows anything unusual you might be asked to go to hospital to have further tests to confirm or rule out cancer.
“Screening for bowel cancer is important because we know that all bowel cancers develop from polyps in the bowel. If caught early enough, these can be removed before they become cancerous,” says Sarah Mills, a consultant colorectal surgeon at OneWelbeck.
“People who are known to have a tendency to develop colonic polyps can then be put into a polyp surveillance programme, with regular colonoscopies at predetermined time intervals, to reduce the chance of them ever developing bowel cancer.
“We know that 1 in 20 people develop polyps in their colon during their lifetime and 1 in 6 polyps can potentially turn into a cancer. There is good evidence to suggest that removing polyps reduces your overall bowel cancer risk,” Dr Mills says.
Not all FIT tests are accurate
However, a FIT result isn’t totally reliable. “FITs do pick up a good proportion of cancers, but they’re not particularly sensitive or specific, so a negative fit test doesn’t exclude cancer and there are false negatives and false positives,” says Dr Good.
“We are currently researching a urine test that goes with the FIT test and increases the accuracy of the results, meaning you can exclude an awful lot of false positives, get accurate results and avoid having to have a colonoscopy, thus decreasing the burden on the NHS,” adds Dunn.
Cancer stages and treatment success rate
“If you catch it at stage 1, you can cure the vast majority of bowel cancer cases,”. says Prof Murphy. According to Cancer Research UK, around 90 per cent of people with stage 1 bowel cancer will survive their cancer for five years or more after diagnosis, and around 85 per cent at stage 2.
The stages are:
Stage 1: The tumour hasn’t spread outside the bowel wall
Stage 2: It has grown into or through the outer layer of the wall
Stage 3: The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes
Stage 4: It has spread to other parts of the body
“I’d say the majority of patients who come through our MDT (multi-disciplinary team) meetings every week are ultimately cured of their cancer, whether it starts in the colon or in the rectum. For those who present with disease that’s already spread – even some of those patients are cured through a combination of treatments,” says Dr Good.
Early stage bowel cancer – sparing from surgery
“For those with earlier stage cancers, progress has been made with more rational combinations of chemotherapy and radiotherapy with surgery,” says Dr Good. “Increasingly we’re giving more treatments before surgery now, as opposed to after, in some cases to try and spare patients from needing surgery at all. There’s lots of evidence that maximising treatment before surgery actually improves cure rates in the longer term,” he says.
What happens when bowel cancer spreads
“What ultimately kills the patient is metastatic disease secondary spread. When we can tell from preoperative tests that it hasn’t spread yet, but that there’s a high chance of microscopic cancer in the rest of the body, it makes sense to treat that first and as quickly as possible, using drug treatment. The sooner you eradicate any microscopic cancer, the lower the chance it will go on to form secondary tumours that kill people,” says Dr Good.
Bowel cancer prevention
Reduce your colorectal cancer risk by:
Eating less red and processed meat
Increasing your fibre intake
Drinking 6-8 glasses of fluid every day.
Maintain a healthy weight and be more physically active
Limit your alcohol to no more than 14 units a week, spread out evenly through the week.
“At Bowel Research UK we have found that for certain types of bowel cancer, taking a daily statin can actually prevent recurrence,” says Dunn. “There is hope, but we haven’t solved the problem yet, which is why funding research is vital.”
‘I was too embarrassed to tell the doctor about my symptoms – and ended up being offered palliative care for stage 3 bowel cancer’
When Tasha, 51, first noticed alarming symptoms, she couldn’t bring herself to tell her doctor. “I went to see him twice over a period of six months, and each time I chickened out of telling him I’d noticed some blood in my faeces. At 44 I was recently divorced with two young children and going through a lot of stress at work, so I didn’t feel able to put myself first. But also, there was this embarrassment at the thought of the doctor having to do what I knew would be a very personal examination.”
“As it turned out, telling him became a matter of urgency. My GP sent me for a colonoscopy and on the screen, I was shocked to see this angry looking bump. After MRI scans and CT scans the doctor gave me the devastating news that they’d found a tumour and the cancer had travelled up to my liver and lungs and the only thing they could offer was palliative care.”
It was a huge shock, to say the least. “How had it come to this? I’d always looked after myself, eaten a healthy diet, gone to the gym and never been a drinker. And I was so young. Having just moved in with my new partner and our combined family of five children I’d been contemplating a happy future, not planning my own funeral. But a couple of weeks passed, and they did further scans, then gave me more surprising news. The nodules they’d found in my lungs and liver weren’t cancerous. There was hope.
“In 2017 I had keyhole surgery to remove the tumour and lymph nodes, followed by months of chemotherapy. It was gruelling – but after eight months of treatment I got my life back, and was given the ‘all clear’.
“I’d gone from telling our five children that I wasn’t going to be around for much longer, to making a full recovery. I’ve kicked myself many times for not talking to the doctor about this sooner, as I might not have even reached a stage where I would have had chemo. Doctors deal with this all the time, so there’s no excuse for embarrassment. If you have worrying symptoms, get yourself checked.”