Simple cleaning product you can add to your machine to make socks white again

Keeping white clothes pristine is a challenge, and socks are the hardest to maintain. After just a few wears, they can become dingy and stained, prompting the need for effective cleaning solutions.

Instead of reaching for bleach, cleaning aficionados have been advocating for a more natural approach using soda crystals. Katherine Cerpa shared her laundry woes on the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips and Tricks Facebook page, posting: "These socks just came out of the washer. They were washed with warm water and soaked with OxiClean.

"Please give me some recommendations to remove these brown stains and make them look whiter."

Her plea sparked a flurry of responses, garnering over 160 comments, many of which detailed the use of soda crystals to tackle stubborn sock stains, reports the Express.

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Jane Ireland said: "Soda crystals are really good and you can get them from most supermarkets and on Amazon. Depending on how stained they are, add half a cup to one cup of soda crystals to the washing machine and put it on a 60-degree wash."

Natasha Smith shared her personal experience, she said: "I'm a mum of five boys and one girl and I always use soda crystals on their white socks. It's game-changing."

Michelle Walker also recommended the method, she said: "Soda crystals. It's amazing stuff. It gets my bloke's socks looking new again. I just add the soda crystals straight in the washing machine drum."

White socks are a wardrobe staple but they can quickly become dirty and stained
White socks are a wardrobe staple but they can quickly become dirty and stained -Credit:Getty

Susan Wilson said: "Get yourself some soda crystals. It's the best thing I've ever used to get my boy's grubby white socks up."

Alisha Dobbs said: "Soak in soda crystals and then wash as normal. The brown stains will be gone and the socks will come out like new."

Debbie Powell added: "I have two boys and used to have the same problem. Now I just add a scoop of soda crystals to every white wash and they are now lovely and white."

Known for their versatility, soda crystals can do wonders from clearing blocked drains and cleaning washing machines to enhancing laundry and tackling stubborn stains.

Incorporating soda crystals into laundry routines is simple for removing organic stainsmerely a tablespoon alongside regular detergent is sufficient.

For particularly resistant stains, it's suggested to pre-soak garments in a robust mixture of soda crystals and warm water, allowing them to sit an hour before washing as usual.

Soda crystals can make a regular appearance in wash cycles. Just throw the necessary scoop into the soap drawer with your usual detergent or directly in the drum if preferred.

To avoid clumps when using liquid detergent, place soda crystals in the drawer while pouring detergent into the drum, and vice versa.

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