A singer married her undead lover despite disastrous wedding night allegedly involving the ghost of Marilyn Monroe

A singer has tied the knot with her undead lover and is now planning a honeymoon despite a disastrous wedding night allegedly involving the ghost of Marilyn Monroe.

Brocarde, 39, of Oxford, first met the ghost of Edwardo, who she believes was in his mid-40s when he died in the Victorian era, in February 2021 and wrote a song for him called Haunted which she walked down the aisle to.

But despite the wedding night ending in tears, when Edwardo apparently made suggestive comments about their guest, Marilyn Monroe, Brocarde says she is looking forward to planning a honeymoon with her phantom husband.

Brocarde is now making honeymoon plans with her phantom husband (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde is now making honeymoon plans with her phantom husband (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She said: “It’s an untraditional relationship which I know a lot of people won’t understand but it makes sense to us.

“We talk to each other through telepathy and through the flickering of candlelight.

“Edwardo is very unpredictable so it’s just typical that he’d ruin our wedding by eyeing up Marilyn, but I’m hoping a honeymoon will make up for it.”

Brocarde first met the ghost of Edwardo in February 2021 (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde first met the ghost of Edwardo in February 2021 (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

Brocarde admits that before meeting the Victorian soldier, she did not have strong beliefs in the paranormal.

She said: “I’ve always said that I didn’t have strong feelings one way or another about whether ghosts were real, I was quite neutral on the topic.

“But one evening, during one of the lockdowns, I was in bed and struggling to sleep. I’d just had a row with a friend so that was preying on my mind and I was tossing and turning.”

Brocarde and the ghost of Edwardo share their first kiss as a married couple (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde and the ghost of Edwardo share their first kiss as a married couple (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She added: “The rain was pouring outside and there was a howling wind, it was a textbook creepy evening.

“Then all of a sudden, I felt this really intense burning in my heart. It was a warm sensation that passed through my whole body.

“I was shaking and trembling. I reached over to turn the light on so I could see what was happening but as I reached out, something propelled my hand away.”

Brocarde wrote a song for her ghost lover which she walked down the aisle to (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde wrote a song for her ghost lover which she walked down the aisle to (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She added: “I had tears running down my face. Everything went cold and I heard a voice whisper in my ear, ‘I love you’.

“I was in a state of shock for ages, just trying to piece together what had happened.”

Brocarde says that over the next few weeks, she started having visions of a Victorian man named Edwardo.

The 39-year-old tied the knot with her phantom fiancé on Halloween (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
The 39-year-old tied the knot with her phantom fiancé on Halloween (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She said: “He looked like he was in his mid-40s and I had a vision of how he died, by falling down a well.

“My gut was telling me that this presence was showing me his life, and that the presence in my room that night had in fact been the ghost of Edwardo.”

Edwardo began to appear to Brocarde more frequently and she says he made his intentions clear.

Brocarde pictured here exchanging her vows (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde pictured here exchanging her vows (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She said: “Our relationship evolved over time. He’s very unpredictable and kept me on my toes, which I found exciting.

“His appearances were sporadic and very emotionally driven.

“Although he wasn’t present with me in the physical sense, he was very emotionally present with me.”

Brocarde says her ghost husband is very possessive (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde says her ghost husband is very possessive (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She added: “We could communicate to each other through telepathy and the flickering of candlelight.

“I knew he had strong feelings for me, especially as he’d told me he loved me the first time we met.”

And Brocarde believes that the ghost of Edwardo was drawn to her.

Brocarde says that Edwardo ruined the wedding night by making suggestive comments about Marilyn Monroe (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde says that Edwardo ruined the wedding night by making suggestive comments about Marilyn Monroe (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She said: “I’ve always been an old soul and I think that’s why we connect. I also love the Victorian era and that style of dressing, with the vintage puffed sleeves and dresses that nip in at the waist.

“I think he appreciates that.”

On November 5, 2021, Brocarde received an unconventional proposal from beyond the grave.

She said: “I was lying in bed one night and felt scratching on my face. I reached over and felt what I realised to be an engagement ring that had been left on my pillow.

“I picked it up and walked into the bathroom to have a shower, and love hearts appeared in the steam on the glass.

“I knew at that point that this was Edwardo’s way of proposing, and I accepted by putting the ring on my finger.”

Brocarde hopes a romantic getaway with reignite the spark (Collect/PA Real Life)
Brocarde hopes a romantic getaway with reignite the spark (Collect/PA Real Life)

On Halloween 2022, the couple tied the knot at Asylum Chapel in Peckham.

Brocarde said: “As soon as I walked in, I could feel his presence. I walked down the aisle to the song I’d written for him, called Haunted.

“I felt like someone was giving me a really warm hug throughout the ceremony and when we were exchanging our vows, he was being mischievous by pulling on my veil and my dress.”

The unconventional wedding had a spooky guest list (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
The unconventional wedding had a spooky guest list (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She added: “He really made his presence known which was nice because I didn’t feel alone.”

But the singer decided against having her family and friends witness the nuptials.

She explained: “I understand that some people might have reservations about it. If a friend had come to me a few years ago and said they were marrying a ghost, I’d have been sceptical because unless you’ve experienced something supernatural yourself then I don’t think you understand.”

The bride walked down the aisle to a song she had written for her ghost lover (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
The bride walked down the aisle to a song she had written for her ghost lover (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She added: “We chose to elope and keep the wedding for ourselves, so I didn’t have to worry about other people’s opinions and judgments.

“I could just celebrate the special bond that we have together.”

But the couple did have a spooky guestlist and the wedding night was not without drama.

Brocarde says she communicates with the ghost of Edwardo through telepathy and the flickering of candlelight (Collect/PA Real Life)
Brocarde says she communicates with the ghost of Edwardo through telepathy and the flickering of candlelight (Collect/PA Real Life)

Brocarde said: “During the wedding planning, Edwardo had suggested that we invite other ghosts like Elvis and Henry VIII but I didn’t like the sound of that.

“Instead, we left it as an open invite to past souls.”

And one particular A-list guest from the afterlife caused a stir, according to Brocarde.

Before meeting the ghost of Edwardo, Brocarde admits that she did not have strong beliefs in the paranormal (Collect/PA Real Life)
Before meeting the ghost of Edwardo, Brocarde admits that she did not have strong beliefs in the paranormal (Collect/PA Real Life)

She said: “The ghost of Marilyn Monroe was present and at the reception, Edwardo made an inappropriate comment about her looking hot.

“I was just like ‘wow, really? It’s our wedding day’.

“The comment completely ruined the evening. We had a beautiful room booked with a four-poster bed, rose petals and candles but the comment had left a sour taste in my mouth and the wedding night ended up being a little bit awkward, not the night of amazing passion I had hoped for.”

Brocarde and Edwardo offered an open invite to their wedding for past souls (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde and Edwardo offered an open invite to their wedding for past souls (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

She added: “It derailed the romance a bit but we’re working to get it back on track.”

And Brocarde hopes a romantic getaway will reignite the spark.

She said: “We haven’t planned a honeymoon yet so I’m hoping we can do that at some point.”

She added: “I feel a bit short-changed after the wedding night so I’m hoping a special trip will make up for it.

“We haven’t made Christmas plans yet either but it’s round the corner and no doubt we’ll spend it together.

“Now that we’re married, our relationship does feel more solid and Edwardo is present more of the time.”

Brocarde says the first encounter with Edwardo was a ‘textbook creepy evening’ (Brocarde/PA Real Life)
Brocarde says the first encounter with Edwardo was a ‘textbook creepy evening’ (Brocarde/PA Real Life)

In the meantime, Brocarde is using her relationship as a muse for her music.

She said: “I’m in the stage of writing new material before I do live performances again.

“I’ve always written from personal experience and this love with Edwardo has inspired me to put my emotions into song.”

The singer is using her untraditional relationship as a muse for her music (Collect/PA Real Life)
The singer is using her untraditional relationship as a muse for her music (Collect/PA Real Life)

But Brocarde is unsure how her husband will react when she goes back on the road.

She said: “He’s quite possessive and I’m not sure he wants me to be a massive rock star because it will mean I’m public property, not Edwardo’s property.

“We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it, but it’s nice to have an outlet and put these paranormal experiences into something creative.”

To find out more about Brocarde’s music visit: www.brocarde.com