Sinitta Wants To Help Katie Price Adopt A Child

Sinitta - who has adopted son Zac, 10, and daughter Magdalena, 11, with her now ex-husband Andy Willner - said she’ll be on hand to advise Katie Price on the adoption process.


Katie has Harvey, 14, Junior, 11, and Princess, nine, from past relationships, and Jett, three, and Bunny, two, with her husband Kieran Hayler, and has admitted she would love to add to her large brood but doesn’t want to go through pregnancy and labour again.

She said recently: “I’ve already started the process to adopt, so fingers crossed. You have to do everything legally and go down that road. The problem isn’t just getting a child, that’s the easy bit, it’s all the checks.

"I’m just waiting to be interviewed by the adoption agency. I’ve always said I’d love to adopt and I feel this is the right child now to do it … I feel like I don’t want any myself physically, I feel like a baby machine. I want to give my body a rest!”


And Sinitta thinks it is a wonderful idea and is keen to help Katie in some way.

She said: “I think it’s amazing [she’s adopting]. I’d love to talk to her about it. If you love children and it’s something you want to do, I think everyone should consider it. There is a huge need in the UK. What a lovely way to expand a family.”

The So Macho singer - who dated Simon Cowell - was initially scared that her public persona would go against her in the application process.

She told The Mirror newspaper: "I basically put everything on the table. The things that I was worried about them knowing about me; my crazy teenage youth, mad things I’ve done .. I thought they didn’t sound like I’d be a good parent.

"But actually, they saw those as positivies. One, I was able to be honest about it all, and two, because I’d had those experiences, it meant I could help my child when they reached their teenage years, or went through the same thing.”