Sir Keir Starmer delivers first speech as UK's new Prime Minister

-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Victorious Sir Keir Starmer has made his first speech as the nation's new Prime Minister - and vowed Labour's work begins 'immediately'. The Labour leader took to the platform on Downing Street where he addressed the country this afternoon.

It comes after a landslide victory, also echoed in North Staffordshire where Labour candidates took all three seats in Stoke-on-Trent along with Newcastle. Nationally and Labour returned 412 MPs to put an end to 14 years of Conservative rule.

Earlier today and outgoing PM Rishi Sunak apologised after leading the Tories to their worst-ever election result. In his address on Downing Street Mr Sunak said: "I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss.”

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After offering his resignation to King Charles, it was the turn of Mr Starmer to meet with His Majesty and then appear outside the iconic number 10. He told supporters: "Whether you voted labour or not, in fact especially if you did not, I say to you directly - my government will serve you. Politics can be a force for good, We have shown that.

Changing Britain 'will take a while' he admitted in his first speech - though he has vowed to 'rebuild' the country. He said: “Changing a country is not like flicking a switch. The world is now a more volatile place. This will take a while.

“But have no doubt that the work of change begins immediately. Have no doubt that we will rebuild Britain, with wealth created in every community. Our NHS back on its feet facing the future. Secure borders, safer streets, everyone treated with dignity and respect at work. The opportunity of clean British power, cutting your energy bills for good.

Sir Keir Starmer on Downing Street -Credit:Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror
Sir Keir Starmer on Downing Street -Credit:Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror

“Brick by brick, we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity. The world-class schools and colleges, the affordable homes that I know are the ingredients of hope for working people. The security, the working-class families like mine could build their lives around.”

Mr Starmer said his new Government has been given a 'clear mandate' by voters, saying: “And we will use it to deliver change, to restore service and respect for politics, end the era of noisy performance, tread more lightly on your lives and unite our country.

“Four nations standing together again facing down, as we have so often in our past, the challenges of an insecure world, committed to a calm and patient rebuilding.

“So, with respect and humility, I invite you all to join this Government of service in the mission of national renewal. Our work is urgent and we begin it today.”

Sir Keir Starmer arrives at number 10 -Credit:Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror
Sir Keir Starmer arrives at number 10 -Credit:Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror

Mr Starmer said his work is 'urgent' after he was swept to power. He stated: "The work of change begins immediately, but have no doubt, we will rebuild Britain."

The new Prime Minister told voters he would 'heal wounds caused by lack of trust', and added the country needs a 'big reset'. He vowed to rebuild the country 'brick by brick'.

Standing outside No10 he said: "You have given us a clear mandate, and we will use it to deliver change, to restore service and respect to politics and the era of noisy performance."

It wasn't all Labour wins in North Staffordshire. In the Moorlands and Tory Karen Bradley was named the area's MP for the fifth time while fellow Conservative Sir Gavin Williamson was named Stone MP.

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