Sir Simon Rattle could boycott BBC Proms in protest against choir cuts

Sir Simon Rattle conducting the London Symphony Orchestra - CHRIS CHRISTODOULOU
Sir Simon Rattle conducting the London Symphony Orchestra - CHRIS CHRISTODOULOU

Sir Simon Rattle may boycott the Proms to protest against the BBC’s choir cuts, The Telegraph understands, as the broadcaster braces for opposition from classical stars.

Britain’s pre-eminent conductor would ordinarily play a role at the annual Proms. However, he is understood to be among a number of high-profile figures in classical music to oppose broadcast executives’ plans to disband the 100-year-old BBC Singers and slash orchestra funding.

It is understood from sources close to the conductor that Sir Simon is currently considering what action he could take and may be willing to boycott the BBC Proms in protest against the corporation’s cuts to the elite choir, whose 20 members are facing compulsory redundancy.

There are said to be fears within the broadcaster that several renowned female conductors may be willing to take similar action. It is understood that British classical star Alice Farnham strongly disapproves of planned cuts.

Insiders have indicated that there is nervousness within the BBC at the prospect of conductors pulling out of the Proms, particularly the First and Last nights - leaving a “poison chalice” vacancy that their colleagues will be unwilling to fill.

It has been suggested that failing to find a replacement could lead to cancellations and disrupt the summer concert season at the Royal Albert Hall.

The BBC could also cut the budgets of its Concert, Philharmonic, and Symphony orchestras by 20 per cent as part of its new classical music strategy. This has raised concerns internally that the ensembles - already struggling post-Covid - will be weakened beyond the ability to function and ultimately will have to be disbanded.

The Musician's Union, representing the BBC Singers and orchestras, could also mobilise members to protest against job losses by boycotting King Charles’s Coronation and refusing to play during celebratory concerts.

Naomi Pohl, the union’s general secretary, has said it will not rule out “some form of collective action if the BBC maintains its position on mass redundancies”.

It is unlikely that strike action will directly affect the Proms, as many performers are freelancers who are not in a position to break contacts or risk being excluded from future performances, it is understood.

Insiders expect that a high-profile boycott from several prominent conductors would be a more effective way to disrupt the summer concerts and force the BBC to reconsider.

No conductors for the Proms have yet been announced publicly.

A spokesman for the BBC said: “Since 1922, the BBC has been an integral part of the classical music ecology in this country and abroad.

“For us to continue to be a leading force in the industry we need to modernise, making some necessary and difficult changes to the way we operate, and many models have been considered over the past few months.

“Whilst some may disagree with the tough decisions we’ve had to make in what are financially challenging times, we have developed the classical strategy carefully and diligently.

“We know this is a hugely tough time for everyone impacted. We will continue to do all we can to support those affected by these changes and to engage with the industry, and we are in consultation with the Musicians’ Union.”