Sir Tom Jones' love life from loyal wife Linda to hundreds of affairs

-Credit: (Image: Mirrorpix)
-Credit: (Image: Mirrorpix)

Tom Jones had a complex and heartbreaking relationship with his wife Linda Trenchard, who remained by his side despite his numerous affairs. The 83-year-old Welsh superstar, known for his magnetic stage presence and powerful voice, was also notorious for his womanising ways during the peak of his fame.

He openly admitted to engaging in "hundreds" of affairs while married to Linda, whom he started dating at the tender age of 12. The childhood sweethearts tied the knot five years later, and shortly after their wedding in Treforest, Pontypridd, they welcomed their son Mark into the world.

As Tom's career soared in the 1960s, highlighted by the smash hit 'It's Not Unusual' in 1965, he became an international sensation. While he toured the globe, Linda stayed behind in Wales to care for their son.

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During this time, Tom indulged in a string of affairs, reportedly with over 250 women annually at the height of his stardom. His escapades were so frequent that he even had a separate dressing room to entertain female fans, reports the Mirror.

Among his many liaisons, Tom was linked to celebrities such as Supremes star Mary Wilson and television presenter Charlotte Laws. However, it was his affair with Marjorie Wallace, a former Miss World, that caused a media frenzy.

Their public appearances together in Barbados and Las Vegas led to Marjorie being dethroned, highlighting the scandalous nature of Tom's extramarital activities. When Tom realised Linda was about to discover his infidelity, he ended things with Marjorie and came clean about the affair.

Recalling the moment his wife found out, he said she was so enraged that she struck him. "I stood there and took it. She chinned me. She punched and shouted," he shared with the Sunday Times in 2015.

"She's the most important thing in my life. An unbelievable woman. Linda is the love of my life and she still is, even though she doesn't look like she did. I don't look like I did, either, but I try my best."

Tom also has another son from an extramarital relationship, a topic he seldom discusses. Jonathan was born in 1987 after Tom had a brief liaison with model Katherine Berkery while on tour in the US.

DNA tests later confirmed that Tom was indeed Jonathan's father, yet it's reported that he has never met his youngest child and remained silent on the matter until 2008. At a press conference, he admitted to succumbing to temptation and suggested that Katherine had deceived him into the affair.

"It wasn't something I had planned. If I had planned it, I would have done something more than just financially. But it wasn't... I was tricked, really. I just fell for it," he stated, as reported by Entertainment Daily.

Despite his history of infidelity, Tom and Linda remained married for 59 years until her tragic death from cancer in 2016. Following her passing, he paid a heartfelt tribute to his late wife, crediting her with helping him "keep my head above water".

Speaking at the Pride of Britain Awards in 2016, he said: "You've got to carry on, you have to, if I don't I'll fold. So music and everything that goes with it is keeping me alive, it keeps me going. And that's what she would want. She told me that. And so it's giving me strength. She knew how much it meant to me."

Since losing his wife, the former ladies' man has ruled out finding love again, maintaining that Linda was his one true love. In a 2021 interview with Joe Wicks on his podcast, the singer shared his heartache, saying: "No, I'll never love again. There was one love of my life, and that was Linda. I'm glad we had our lives together but I wish she was here now; we would be old together."